Docker Image Operations - Create a New Image by Writing Over an Existing Image

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This example demonstrate how to modify an existing Postgresql image by creating a new image with a very thin modification on top. In this case we add debugging output to the setup logic in form of a new run script. Alternatively, we can modify the CMD sequence and layer it in top of the existing image.


Stage New Content

Use the local directory as staging area. Place a new run-postgreql with extra debug output.

Write the Dockerfile

COPY ./run-postgresql /usr/bin/

Alternatively (we are assuming a hypothetical my-app that can be started in debug mode by passing --debug, which did not exist in the "FROM" image:

FROM ...
CMD ["my-app", "--debug", "start"]

Build the Image

docker build -t novaordis/postgresql-debug .

The new image will be placed in the local registry as "novaordis/postgresql-debug:latest".


In case CMD was modified, run "inspect" to make sure the CMD has been update in the "Config"/"Cmd" section.

docker inspect <new-image-id>

Run the Image

docker run -e -e POSTGRESQL_USER=... -e POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=... -e POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=... novaordis/postgresql-debug