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A '''method''' of a type is a function that was associated with the type, by declaring the type to be a [[#Receiver_Type|receiver type]] for that function, with the special syntax described below. If a method name starts with an uppercase character it is automatically [[Go_Language#Exported_Identifiers|exported]].
A '''method''' of a type is a function that was associated with the type, by declaring the type to be a [[#Receiver_Type|receiver type]] for that function, with the special syntax described below. If a method name starts with an uppercase character it is automatically [[Go_Language#Exported_Identifiers|exported]].
==Method Naming==
There are a number of well-known methods names like <code>Read</code>, <code>Write</code>, <code>Close</code>, <code>Flush</code>, <code>String</code>, etc. that have canonical signatures and meanings. To avoid confusion, do not give your methods one of these names, '''unless it has the same signature and meaning'''. If indeed the method you are developing has the same meaning as a method on a well-known type, give it the same name and signature: your string converter method should be called <code>String</code>, not <code>ToString</code>.
{{Internal|Go_Style#Methods|Go Style}}

=Receiver Type=
=Receiver Type=
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==Receiver Naming==
By convention, receivers are named using one or two characters that reflect the receiver type, because they typically appear on almost every line. Receiver names should be consistent cross a type's methods, do not use one name in one and other name in another.
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
func (b *Buffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
func (sh serverHandler) ServeHTTP(rw ResponseWriter, req *Request)
Alos see: {{Internal|Go_Style#Receivers|Go Style}}

==Dot Notation works with Both Values and Pointers==
==Dot Notation works with Both Values and Pointers==

Revision as of 23:52, 5 July 2024




Go is an object-oriented language, but the object orientation programming model is relatively simple, compared with other object-oriented languages. It has been said about Go that is "weakly" object-oriented. Go does not use the term "class", there is no class keyword in the language. However, Go allows associating data with methods, which what a class in other programming languages really is.

Go provides syntax to associate an arbitrary local type with arbitrary functions, turning them into methods of that type. The local type can be a type alias, a struct or a function. In this context, "local" means a type that is defined in the same package as the function. That is why a programmer cannot add new methods to built-in types.

The most common pattern for implementing object-orientation is to use a struct as data encapsulation mechanism, optionally declaring fields as unexported, thus preventing direct access to them from outside the package, and then associating the struct with functions, by declaring the struct type as the receiver type for the function and the functions into methods of the type. This construct is the closest equivalent to a class in other programming languages. The standard dot notation is then used to call a method on the instance of the receiver type.

Go does not have formal inheritance and constructors. Inheritance can be replaced to a certain extent by composition, struct field embedding and interfaces, which support code reuse and polymorphism.


A method of a type is a function that was associated with the type, by declaring the type to be a receiver type for that function, with the special syntax described below. If a method name starts with an uppercase character it is automatically exported.

Method Naming

There are a number of well-known methods names like Read, Write, Close, Flush, String, etc. that have canonical signatures and meanings. To avoid confusion, do not give your methods one of these names, unless it has the same signature and meaning. If indeed the method you are developing has the same meaning as a method on a well-known type, give it the same name and signature: your string converter method should be called String, not ToString.

Go Style

Receiver Type

A receiver type for a function is a type that is associated with the function with dedicated syntax:

func (<receiver_parameter_name> <receiver_type|receiver_type_pointer>) function_name(...) ... {

Declaring a receiver type turns the function into a method of the type. Depending on whether we want to be able to modify the receiver instance in the method or not, the receiver type can be declared as a pointer receiver type or a value receiver type.

Regardless of whether we use a pointer or a value receiver type, the function gets an implicit parameter, which is a pointer to the instance in case of a pointer receiver type, and a value of the type in case of a value recover type:

func function_name(<implicit_receiver_parameter> <receiver_type|receiver_type_pointer>, ...) ... {

We call that receiver parameter. It is, loosely, the logical equivalent of the self function parameter in Python and the implicit method parameter this in Java. The receiver parameter can be simply thought of as the first parameter of the function. In the underlying implementation, it is indeed not much else indeed.

As we write idiomatic Go code, it is common to use the first letter or a short abbreviation of the type as the name of the receiver. In our case, if the name of the type is Color, the name of the parameter is c or even color. We might even consider naming the receiver parameters with abbreviations of the interfaces they represent. See this article for arguments against naming that parameter "this" or "self".

Value Receiver Type

The syntax to declare a value receiver type for a function is:

func (<receiver_parameter_name> <receiver_type>) <function_name>(...) ... {


type Color struct {
  color string

func (c Color) SomeMethod() string {
  return "dark " + c.color 

In the example above, Color is the receiver type, and c is the variable that refers to the particular receiver type value the method was invoked on. The invocation target is passed as value inside the function.

The method is invoked on the receiver type instances with the usual dot notation syntax:

color := Color{"blue"}
result := color.SomeMethod() // the method will return "dark blue"

The invocation copies the color value into in the c variable inside the function, making c an implicit parameter of the method. There is no formal c function parameter in the signature, yet the method body has access to c, which behaves similarly to any other function parameter. That is why the following syntax makes sense, and it also works. The syntax confirms that SomeMethod() is a method associated with the type Color, and when invoked with the instance of the type as its first (implicit) parameter, it behaves exactly as expected:

color := Color{"blue"}

Because the receiver instance is passed by value, hence a copy of that value is passed inside the function, the method cannot modify the invocation target instance. A pointer receiver type must be used if instead to modify the target.

Pointer Receiver Type

The syntax to declare a pointer receiver type for a function is:

func (<receiver_parameter_name> *<receiver_type>) <function_name>(...) ... {


func (c *Color) SomeOtherMethod() {
  c.color = "dark " + c.color
  // (*c).color = "dark" + (*c).color is an equivalent, longer syntax. The compiler can handle the simpler syntax


color := Color{"blue"}
color.SomeOtherMethod() // equivalent with (&color).SomeOtherMethod()
fmt.Println(color) // will print "{dark blue}"

In the example above, a pointer to a Color instance is passed inside the method, so the method can mutate the target instance it was invoked on. The invocation copies the pointer to the Color{"blue"} value into in the c variable inside the function, making c an implicit parameter of the method. Similarly to the value receiver type syntax, there is no formal c function parameter in the signature, yet the method body has access to c, which behaves similarly to any other function parameter. That is why the following syntax makes sense, and it also works. The syntax confirms that SomeMethod() is a method associated with the type *Color (note that it is a pointer type), and when invoked with the pointer to a type instance as its first (implicit) parameter, it behaves exactly as expected:

color := Color{"blue"}

Invoking on nil Pointers

Since pointers are involved, methods declared with pointer receiver types may be invoked on a nil pointers, which will lead to a "invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" panic:

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0xbe79030]

goroutine 1 [running]:
       .../cmd/gotest/main.go:14 +0x10

Process finished with the exit code 2

If the implementation semantics allows it, the method may guard against nil pointers:

func (c *Color) SomeOtherMethod() {
  if c == nil {
  c.color = "dark " + c.color

Receiver Naming

By convention, receivers are named using one or two characters that reflect the receiver type, because they typically appear on almost every line. Receiver names should be consistent cross a type's methods, do not use one name in one and other name in another.

func (b *Buffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
func (sh serverHandler) ServeHTTP(rw ResponseWriter, req *Request)

Alos see:

Go Style

Dot Notation works with Both Values and Pointers

The Go compiler knows how to use the dot notation with both values and pointers.

There is no need to invoke a method defined with a pointer receiver type with:


This will work:


Similarly, inside the method, there is no need to dereference the pointer receiver type parameter:

func (v *SomeType) SomeMethod(...) {
  (*v).someField // not necessary

This will work:

func (v *SomeType) SomeMethod(...) {

Mixing Value and Pointer Receiver Types

When using pointer receivers, it is good programming practice to have all method use pointer receivers, or none of them use pointer receivers. If we mix value and pointer receivers, the IDE would detect that as static check warning:

 Struct Color has methods on both value and pointer receivers. Such usage is not recommended by the Go Documentation.

Functions as Receiver Types

TODO: https://go.dev/blog/error-handling-and-go#simplifying-repetitive-error-handling


Encapsulation in this context is giving access to data, but intermediated by the public methods that are defined with the data. This way, access to data is controlled.

Encapsulation can be implemented with package data.

Encapsulation can also be implemented with structs, where the "private" fields are declared using identifiers that start with lower cap letters, so they are not visible outside the package. Controlled access to them is given via accessor and mutator methods, which are functions that have been declared to use the struct as a receiver type:

type Color struct {
	color string

func (c *Color) Init(color string) {

func (c *Color) GetColor() string {
	return (*c).color

func (c *Color) SetColor(color string) {
	(*c).color = color


var c Color
fmt.Println(c.GetColor()) // prints blue
fmt.Println(c.GetColor()) // prints red


Polymorphism is available in Go, but it is implemented a bit differently than in other object-oriented languages, in that it does not imply formal inheritance at language level, which is not available in Go. Polymorphism in Go is implemented using interfaces.

For a generic discussion on polymorphism, see:

Object-Oriented Programming | Polymorphism


Go Interfaces




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