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* https://go.dev/ref/spec#Struct_types
* [[Go_Language#Structs|Go Language]]

* [[Go_Concepts_-_The_Type_System#Structs|The Type System]]
Structs are user-defined [[Go_Language#Composite_Types|composite types]], grouping together instances of arbitrary types, into one object.
A struct declaration consists in a sequence of '''named elements''', called '''fields'''. Each field has one or more names and a type. The name(s) can be explicitly listed in the structure, or can be implicit, for '''embedded fields'''. A field may optionally have a '''tag'''. More details about fields can be found in the [[#Fields|Fields]] section.
A struct variable is a value, not a [[Go_Language#.28No.29_Reference_Variables|reference variable]], which means that no two different struct variables may point to the same struct instance.
Structs can represent data values that could have either a [[Go_Language#The_Primitive_vs._Non-Primitive_Nature_of_Types|primitive or non-primitive value]]. "Primitive" structs imply creating a new instance every time an existing value is mutated. In this case, values themselves, rather than pointers, are used to share values of those structs. An example is the <code>Time</code> structure in the <code>[[Go Package time|time]]</code> package. However, in most cases, structs exhibit a non-primitive structure: adding or removing something from the value mutates the value, does not create a new value.
=Printing Structs=
To print the abbreviated struct, and only display values, and not field names, use:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
To print both field names and values, use the  <code>%+v</code> format specifier:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", s)
Struct types can be declared at package level or inside a function.
The struct type definition is introduced by the <code>type</code> [[Go_Language#Keywords|keyword]], to indicate that this is a user-defined type, followed by the new type name and the keyword <code>struct</code>, followed by a curly-brackets-enclosed enumeration of fields.
Once the struct type has been defined in a package or a function, variables of that type can be declared using the [[Go_Language#Variable_Declaration|long declaration]]:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
var i Item
If no explicit initialization follows, the struct variables declared as above have all their fields initialized with [[Go_Language#Zero_Value|zero values]. [[Go_Language#Short_Variable_Declaration|Short declaration]] can also be used, as shown in the [[#Initialization|Initialization]] section, below.
==<span id='Field'></span>Fields==
Each field has '''one or more names''' and a '''type'''. The type can be a [[Go_Language#Pre-Declared_Types|pre-declared type]] or a user-defined type, such as another <code>struct</code> or an [[Go_Interfaces#Interfaces_as_Fields|interface]]. No comma is required at the end of the field line. The name(s) can be explicitly listed in the structure, or can be implicit, in case of [[#Embedded_Fields|embedded fields]]. A field may optionally have a [[#Tag|tag]]. Within a struct, non-blank field names must be unique.
<span id='Has-A_Relationship'></span>A named field usually represents a '''has-a''' relationship, consistent with the struct's composite type nature, and an embedded field represents an '''is-a''' relationship (see [[#Embedded_Fields|below]]).
Fields can be [[Go_Packages#Export|exported]] outside the package declaring the type. For more details see the [[#Exporting_Fields|Exporting Fields]] section.
These are named fields:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
type Item struct {
    color string
    size int
A field with multiple names can be declared as such:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
type Item struct {
    a, b, c int
We say that fields with the same types can be collapsed. This structure is fully equivalent with the structure where each of the names is declared on its own line:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
type Item struct {
    a int
    b int
    c int
===<span id='Embedded_Type'></span><span id='Embedded_Field'></span>Embedded Fields===
Field embedding is used to share state in [[Go_Inheritance_and_Polymorphism#State_Inheritance|inheritance]]. When only the type but not the name of a filed is declared, the name of the field is implicitly the unqualified name of the type, and the field is called an '''embedded field''' or an anonymous field:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
type SomeInterface interface {
type SomeOtherStruct struct {
  s string

type Item struct {

A <tt>struct</tt> is a user-defined type that contains named fields. <tt>struct</tt>s can also have [[Go_Concepts_-_Functions#Methods|methods]] associated with them.
Embedded fields, unlike [[#Has-A_Relationship|named fields]], model an '''is-a''' relationship.

<font color=red>
An embedded field can be a type name <code>T</code>, a pointer to a non-interface type name (<code>*T</code>), and <code>T</code> itself may not be a pointer type. As mentioned above, the unqualified type name becomes the implicit field name. The previous example declares three embedded fields, one of type <code>int</code>, one of type <code>SomeInterface</code>, which is an [[Go_Interfaces#Embedded_Type|interface]] declared somewhere in the package and the third of type <code>SomeOtherStruct</code>, which is a struct type declared somewhere else in the package. The type renders as:
* Are all users can define (in terms of types) structs, or there are other user-defined types?
<font size=-2>
{SomeInterface:<nil> SomeOtherStruct:{s:} int:0}
Note that if an embedded field is specified using the package and the type name (the qualified type name), the implicit field name is the unqualified type name.
====<span id='Embedded_Fields_and_Methods'></span>Embedded Field Promotion====
The embedded field's type identifiers are promoted to the embedding type, so they can be accessed as it would belong to the embedding type. Promotion also applies to methods associated with the embedded type. A method associated with the embedded type works with the embedding type. This strengthens the point that embedded fields model an "is-a" relationship, and elevates the field embedding mechanism to a sort of inheritance mechanism. Type embedding is the Go's "extends". It allows types to extend, and it changes their behavior.

Field promotion:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
type Animal struct {
name string

The <tt>struct</tt>s can be declare at package level or inside a function. The struct type definition is introduced by the <tt>type</tt> keyword, to indicated that this is a user-defined type, followed by the type name and the keyword <tt>struct</tt>. Each field has a name and a type.
type Dog struct {
dog := &Dog{Animal{"Fido"}}

fmt.Printf("name: %s\n", dog.name) // the "name" field is promoted into the Dog structure
type myStruct struct {
    i int
    s string
Method promotion, for the same structs <code>Animal</code> and <code>Dog</code> declared above:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
func (a *Animal) Move() {
fmt.Printf("%s moves\n", a.name)

Fields with the same types can be collapsed:

dog.Move() // Displays "Fido moves"
type myStruct struct {
In the example above, the invocations <code>dog.Move()</code> and <code>dog.Animal.Move()</code> are equivalent.
     i, j, k int
If an interface is implemented by the embedded type, it is promoted to the embedding type.
Also see: {{Internal|Go_Language_Object_Oriented_Programming#Structs_as_Receiver_Types|structs as Receiver Types}}
====Embedded Field Identity====
The embedded field always exists in and of itself. It never loses its identity and it can be always accessed directly:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
====Overriding Embedded Fields====
The embedding type can override the embedding field elements, and reuse the identifiers, associate them with other types, etc. Both fields and methods can be overridden. This behavior provides [[Go_Language_Object_Oriented_Programming#Polymorphism|polymorphism]].
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
type Animal struct {
name string
func (a *Animal) Move() {
fmt.Printf("%s moves\n", a.name)
type Dog struct {
func (d *Dog) Move() {
fmt.Printf("%s jumps\n", d.name)
dog := &Dog{Animal{"Fido"}}
dog.Move() // will print "Fido jumps"
When the embedding type does not want to implement an embedded type interface, it can override at least one of the method of the embedded type method set. <font color=darkkhaki>Example required.</font>
===<span id='Blank_Field'></span>Blank Fields===
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
type Item struct {
_ float32 // a blank field
     _ int // another blank field
===Promoted Fields===
<font color=darkkhaki>TODO: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Struct_types</font>
===<span id='Tag'></span>Tags===
A field declaration may be followed by an optional string literal '''tag''', which is a string literal declared between <code>`...`</code> (backticks). A tag becomes an '''attribute''' for all the fields in the corresponding field declaration. The tags are made visible through a reflection interface and take part in type identity for structs but are otherwise ignored.
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
type A struct {
     Name string `json:"name"`
In the example above, a tag has been included to provide '''metadata''' the JSON decoding function needs to parse JSON content. Each tag maps a field name in the struct to a filed name in the JSON document. Tags are useful in [[JSON_in_Go#Overview|JSON]] and [[YAML_in_Go#Overview|YAML]] serialization/deserialization.
=<tt>struct</tt> Zero Value=
<font color=darkkhaki>Expand this, <code>struct</code> zero value is important when [[YAML_in_Go#Behavior_when_an_Entire_Subtree_Is_Missing|parsing YAML and entire subtrees are missing]].</font>
=Empty <tt>struct</tt>=
An empty struct allocates zero bytes when values of this type are created. They are useful when a type, but not state, is needed. Example:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
// we declared an empty struct that defines the type "A"
type A struct{}
a := A{}
b := struct{}{}
=<span id='Idiomatic_Struct_Naming_Conventions'></span>Naming=
Struct names should follow the general Go naming conventions:
{{Internal|Go_Style#Naming|Go Naming}}
=<span id='Literal'></span>Composite Literal=
Struct composite literals are expressions that create a new instance of the structure every time they are evaluated. The fields of a composite literal must be laid out in order and must be all present:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
i := Item{"blue", 5}
However, by labeling the elements explicitly as <code>field:value</code> pairs, the initializers can appear in any order, with the missing ones left as their respective zero values:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
i := Item{size: 5}
Composite literals can have all field initialization values on the same line, or on different lines:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
i := Item{color: "blue", size: 5}
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
i := Item {
  color: "blue",
  size: 5, // mandatory comma
There is "short" literal where the name of the fields are omitted, given that values for '''all''' fields are provided, the order in which they are declared is maintained:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
i := Item {"blue", 5}
It is possible to initialize just some of the fields, but in this case the field names must be provided. The remaining fields will be initialized to their zero value:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
i := Item {color:"blue"}
==Embedded Literals==
When a field of a struct is another struct, embedded literals can be used in initialization:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
i := Item {
  color: "blue",
  packaging: {
    material: "plastic",
    protectionLevel: 10,
  size: 5,

<span id='new'></span>Initialize a struct variable with an empty struct using the <code>[[Go_Functions#new()|new()]]</code> [[Go_Functions#Built-in_Functions|built-in function]] and the [[Go_Language#Short_Variable_Declaration|short variable declaration]]:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
i := new(Item)

==Long Variable Declaration==
This results in an "empty" structure, with all fields initialized to zero. Note <code>new()</code> returns a pointer to the structure and not the structure itself.

A [[#Literal|struct composite literal]] can also be used to initialize the structure:
var ms myStruct
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
i := Item{color: "blue", size: 5}

If no explicit initialization follows, all the struct's fields are initialized with their [[Go Concepts - The Type System#Zero_Value|zero value]].
==Make Zero Value Useful==

==Short Variable Declaration==
It is good practice to design the type to be usable with its zero values, right away, without additional initialization, if possible. This means a user of the data structure can create one with <code>new()</code> and get it right to work. For example, the documentation for <code>bytes.Buffer</code> states that "the zero value for <code>Buffer</code> is an empty buffer ready to use". Similarly, <code>sync.Mutex</code> does not have an explicit constructor or <code>Init()</code> method. Instead, the zero value for <code>sync.Mutex</code> is defined to be an unlocked mutex. The zero-value-is-useful property works transitively, if a structure is composed by two types that works while initialized with zero value, the composite structure works while initialized with zero value.

==Initializing Struct Fields to Something Else than Zero Value==
<font color=darkkhaki>It seems not to be possible. If I have a Set structure that internally contains a map, I have two options:

Struct literal initialization:
1. Use a NewSet() constructor that initializes the map.

2. Do lazy initialization on operations.
ms := myStruct{i: 5, s: "something"}

There is a shorter struct literal where the name of the fields are omitted, provided that the order is maintained:
==<span id='The_Dot_Operator'></span>The Selector Operator==
Individual fields in a struct can be read and modified using the "dot notation", the <code>[[Go_Concepts_-_Operators#.|.]]</code> [[Go_Language#Selector_Operator|selector operator]].
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
var i Item
i.color = "blue"
i.size = 2

fmt.Printf("color %s, size %d\b", i.color, i.size)
ms := myStruct{5, "something"}

<span id='Selector_Operator_Versatility'></span>Note that the <code>.</code> operator works with a regular struct variable as well as with a pointer to the struct. The compiler takes care of the underlying details to access the value and knows how to compensate for both of these cases:

<tt>[[Go_Built-In_Function_new|new()]]</tt> initialization:
<syntaxhighlight lang='go'>
type SomeStruct struct {
  i int
msPtr := new(myStruct)

Note <tt>new()</tt> returns a pointer to the structure and not the structure itself.
s := SomeStruct{10}
s2 := &s

fmt.Printf("%d\n", s.i)  // the selector operator is applied to a value 
fmt.Printf("%d\n", s2.i)  // the selector operator is applied to a pointer

Fields can be access with the <tt>[[Go_Concepts_-_Operators#.|.]]</tt> operator.
=Exporting Structs=
<font size='darkkhaki>"Exporting Structs" section needs refactoring.</font>

Note that the <tt>.</tt> operator works with a regular struct variable as well as with a pointer to a struct: the compiler knows how to compensate for both of these cases.
Even if the enclosing struct type is [[Go_Language_Modularization#Exported_Identifiers|exported]] by a package, not all fields are exported automatically, only those whose first character is an upper case letter. This behavior makes possible to have "private" fields in a public structure, when the structure is used outside its package.
==Encapsulation and Private Fields==
<font color=darkkhaki>
Formally define the semantics of fields that start with lower case names. They are "hidden". What exactly does that mean? Apparently, other package cannot see them.
</font color>
Aslo see: {{Internal|Go_Language_Object_Oriented_Programming#Encapsulation|Object Oriented Programming in Go &#124; Encapsulation}}
==<span id='Exported_Fields'></span>Exporting Fields==
The fields of an [[Go_Packages#Exporting_Package_Members|exported]] <tt>struct</tt> type can be exported or unexported on a field-by-field basis, by naming them with an uppercase and respectively lowercase letter.

<font color=darkkhaki>What if the struct is named with a lowercase letter and the field starts with an uppercase letter?</font>
ms := myStruct{1, "s"}
msPtr := new(myStruct)

// valid:
<font color=darkkhaki>Explain this behavior: [[YAML_in_Go#TODO_Ee4]].</font>

// valid:
==<span id='Embedded_Type_Export'></span><span id='Exporting_Embedded_Types'></span>Exporting Embedded Fields==
If the name of an [[#Embedded_Field|embedded field]] starts with a lower case, it is unexported even if its outer type is [[Go_Packages#Embedded_Type_Export|exported]]. Even if the name of the inner type is not exported, its fields may be individually exported, and thus accessible from outside the package.

As long as the enclosing struct type is [[Go Concepts - Packages#Exported_Identifiers|exported]] by a package, all fields are exported, regardless of their capitalization.
=Structs as Receiver Types=
{{Internal|Go_Language_Object_Oriented_Programming#Structs_as_Receiver_Types|Object Oriented Programming in Go &#124; Structs as Receiver Types}}

Latest revision as of 18:38, 14 August 2024




Structs are user-defined composite types, grouping together instances of arbitrary types, into one object.

A struct declaration consists in a sequence of named elements, called fields. Each field has one or more names and a type. The name(s) can be explicitly listed in the structure, or can be implicit, for embedded fields. A field may optionally have a tag. More details about fields can be found in the Fields section.

A struct variable is a value, not a reference variable, which means that no two different struct variables may point to the same struct instance.

Structs can represent data values that could have either a primitive or non-primitive value. "Primitive" structs imply creating a new instance every time an existing value is mutated. In this case, values themselves, rather than pointers, are used to share values of those structs. An example is the Time structure in the time package. However, in most cases, structs exhibit a non-primitive structure: adding or removing something from the value mutates the value, does not create a new value.

Printing Structs

To print the abbreviated struct, and only display values, and not field names, use:


To print both field names and values, use the %+v format specifier:

fmt.Printf("%+v\n", s)


Struct types can be declared at package level or inside a function.

The struct type definition is introduced by the type keyword, to indicate that this is a user-defined type, followed by the new type name and the keyword struct, followed by a curly-brackets-enclosed enumeration of fields.

Once the struct type has been defined in a package or a function, variables of that type can be declared using the long declaration:

var i Item

If no explicit initialization follows, the struct variables declared as above have all their fields initialized with [[Go_Language#Zero_Value|zero values]. Short declaration can also be used, as shown in the Initialization section, below.


Each field has one or more names and a type. The type can be a pre-declared type or a user-defined type, such as another struct or an interface. No comma is required at the end of the field line. The name(s) can be explicitly listed in the structure, or can be implicit, in case of embedded fields. A field may optionally have a tag. Within a struct, non-blank field names must be unique.

A named field usually represents a has-a relationship, consistent with the struct's composite type nature, and an embedded field represents an is-a relationship (see below).

Fields can be exported outside the package declaring the type. For more details see the Exporting Fields section.

These are named fields:

type Item struct {
    color string
    size int

A field with multiple names can be declared as such:

type Item struct {
    a, b, c int

We say that fields with the same types can be collapsed. This structure is fully equivalent with the structure where each of the names is declared on its own line:

type Item struct {
    a int
    b int
    c int

Embedded Fields

Field embedding is used to share state in inheritance. When only the type but not the name of a filed is declared, the name of the field is implicitly the unqualified name of the type, and the field is called an embedded field or an anonymous field:

type SomeInterface interface {

type SomeOtherStruct struct {
   s string

type Item struct {

Embedded fields, unlike named fields, model an is-a relationship.

An embedded field can be a type name T, a pointer to a non-interface type name (*T), and T itself may not be a pointer type. As mentioned above, the unqualified type name becomes the implicit field name. The previous example declares three embedded fields, one of type int, one of type SomeInterface, which is an interface declared somewhere in the package and the third of type SomeOtherStruct, which is a struct type declared somewhere else in the package. The type renders as:

{SomeInterface:<nil> SomeOtherStruct:{s:} int:0}

Note that if an embedded field is specified using the package and the type name (the qualified type name), the implicit field name is the unqualified type name.

Embedded Field Promotion

The embedded field's type identifiers are promoted to the embedding type, so they can be accessed as it would belong to the embedding type. Promotion also applies to methods associated with the embedded type. A method associated with the embedded type works with the embedding type. This strengthens the point that embedded fields model an "is-a" relationship, and elevates the field embedding mechanism to a sort of inheritance mechanism. Type embedding is the Go's "extends". It allows types to extend, and it changes their behavior.

Field promotion:

type Animal struct {
	name string

type Dog struct {

dog := &Dog{Animal{"Fido"}}


fmt.Printf("name: %s\n", dog.name) // the "name" field is promoted into the Dog structure

Method promotion, for the same structs Animal and Dog declared above:

func (a *Animal) Move() {
	fmt.Printf("%s moves\n", a.name)


dog.Move() // Displays "Fido moves"

In the example above, the invocations dog.Move() and dog.Animal.Move() are equivalent.

If an interface is implemented by the embedded type, it is promoted to the embedding type.

Also see:

structs as Receiver Types

Embedded Field Identity

The embedded field always exists in and of itself. It never loses its identity and it can be always accessed directly:


Overriding Embedded Fields

The embedding type can override the embedding field elements, and reuse the identifiers, associate them with other types, etc. Both fields and methods can be overridden. This behavior provides polymorphism.

type Animal struct {
	name string

func (a *Animal) Move() {
	fmt.Printf("%s moves\n", a.name)

type Dog struct {

func (d *Dog) Move() {
	fmt.Printf("%s jumps\n", d.name)

dog := &Dog{Animal{"Fido"}}
dog.Move() // will print "Fido jumps"

When the embedding type does not want to implement an embedded type interface, it can override at least one of the method of the embedded type method set. Example required.

Blank Fields

type Item struct {
	_ float32 // a blank field
    _ int // another blank field

TODO: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Struct_types


A field declaration may be followed by an optional string literal tag, which is a string literal declared between `...` (backticks). A tag becomes an attribute for all the fields in the corresponding field declaration. The tags are made visible through a reflection interface and take part in type identity for structs but are otherwise ignored.

type A struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`

In the example above, a tag has been included to provide metadata the JSON decoding function needs to parse JSON content. Each tag maps a field name in the struct to a filed name in the JSON document. Tags are useful in JSON and YAML serialization/deserialization.

struct Zero Value

Expand this, struct zero value is important when parsing YAML and entire subtrees are missing.

Empty struct

An empty struct allocates zero bytes when values of this type are created. They are useful when a type, but not state, is needed. Example:

// we declared an empty struct that defines the type "A"
type A struct{}

a := A{}
b := struct{}{}


Struct names should follow the general Go naming conventions:

Go Naming

Composite Literal

Struct composite literals are expressions that create a new instance of the structure every time they are evaluated. The fields of a composite literal must be laid out in order and must be all present:

i := Item{"blue", 5}

However, by labeling the elements explicitly as field:value pairs, the initializers can appear in any order, with the missing ones left as their respective zero values:

i := Item{size: 5}

Composite literals can have all field initialization values on the same line, or on different lines:

i := Item{color: "blue", size: 5}
i := Item {
  color: "blue",
  size: 5, // mandatory comma

There is "short" literal where the name of the fields are omitted, given that values for all fields are provided, the order in which they are declared is maintained:

i := Item {"blue", 5}

It is possible to initialize just some of the fields, but in this case the field names must be provided. The remaining fields will be initialized to their zero value:

i := Item {color:"blue"}

Embedded Literals

When a field of a struct is another struct, embedded literals can be used in initialization:

i := Item {
  color: "blue",
  packaging: {
    material: "plastic",
    protectionLevel: 10,
  size: 5,


Initialize a struct variable with an empty struct using the new() built-in function and the short variable declaration:

i := new(Item)

This results in an "empty" structure, with all fields initialized to zero. Note new() returns a pointer to the structure and not the structure itself.

A struct composite literal can also be used to initialize the structure:

i := Item{color: "blue", size: 5}

Make Zero Value Useful

It is good practice to design the type to be usable with its zero values, right away, without additional initialization, if possible. This means a user of the data structure can create one with new() and get it right to work. For example, the documentation for bytes.Buffer states that "the zero value for Buffer is an empty buffer ready to use". Similarly, sync.Mutex does not have an explicit constructor or Init() method. Instead, the zero value for sync.Mutex is defined to be an unlocked mutex. The zero-value-is-useful property works transitively, if a structure is composed by two types that works while initialized with zero value, the composite structure works while initialized with zero value.

Initializing Struct Fields to Something Else than Zero Value

It seems not to be possible. If I have a Set structure that internally contains a map, I have two options:

1. Use a NewSet() constructor that initializes the map.

2. Do lazy initialization on operations.


The Selector Operator

Individual fields in a struct can be read and modified using the "dot notation", the . selector operator.

var i Item
i.color = "blue"
i.size = 2

fmt.Printf("color %s, size %d\b", i.color, i.size)

Note that the . operator works with a regular struct variable as well as with a pointer to the struct. The compiler takes care of the underlying details to access the value and knows how to compensate for both of these cases:

type SomeStruct struct {
  i int

s := SomeStruct{10}
s2 := &s

fmt.Printf("%d\n", s.i)   // the selector operator is applied to a value  
fmt.Printf("%d\n", s2.i)  // the selector operator is applied to a pointer

Exporting Structs

"Exporting Structs" section needs refactoring.

Even if the enclosing struct type is exported by a package, not all fields are exported automatically, only those whose first character is an upper case letter. This behavior makes possible to have "private" fields in a public structure, when the structure is used outside its package.

Encapsulation and Private Fields

Formally define the semantics of fields that start with lower case names. They are "hidden". What exactly does that mean? Apparently, other package cannot see them.

Aslo see:

Object Oriented Programming in Go | Encapsulation

Exporting Fields

The fields of an exported struct type can be exported or unexported on a field-by-field basis, by naming them with an uppercase and respectively lowercase letter.

What if the struct is named with a lowercase letter and the field starts with an uppercase letter?

Explain this behavior: YAML_in_Go#TODO_Ee4.

Exporting Embedded Fields

If the name of an embedded field starts with a lower case, it is unexported even if its outer type is exported. Even if the name of the inner type is not exported, its fields may be individually exported, and thus accessible from outside the package.

Structs as Receiver Types

Object Oriented Programming in Go | Structs as Receiver Types