Kubernetes Secrets Operations: Difference between revisions

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  kubectl get secrets
  kubectl get secrets
kubectl get secret mysecret -o yaml
The value of the secret is base64-encoded and it can be retrieved with:
echo '....' | [[base64 Command|base64]] --decode

  kubectl describe secret ''secret-name''
  kubectl describe secret ''secret-name''
Line 18: Line 24:
===From File===
===From File===

Declare the secret content in one (or more) file(s) on the local filesystem. When the secret is exposed to a pod, the content will be available as volume files with the same name.
Declare the secret content in one (or more) file(s) on the local filesystem. The file name will become a secret's [[Kubernetes Cluster Configuration Concepts#Secret_Data_Map|data map]] key. Multiple files can be added to the same secret. When the secret is exposed to a pod, the content will be available as volume files with the same name.  

  echo -n "test-user" > ./username.txt
  echo -n "test-user" > ./username.txt
Line 41: Line 47:

===From Literal===
===From Literal===
The secret's [[Kubernetes Cluster Configuration Concepts#Secret_Data_Map|data map]] key followed by "=" followed by value can be specified on command line with <tt>--from-literal=</tt>.
kubectl create secret generic red --from-literal=key1=somevalue --from-literal=key2=someothervalue
===From Env File===
A key-value (env) file can be used as source for secrets with <tt>--from-env-file=</tt>. The keys in the key-value file become the keys in the secret's [[Kubernetes Cluster Configuration Concepts#Secret_Data_Map|data map]].
kubectl create secret generic green --from-env-file=./test.txt
where test.txt:
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>

===Special Character Handling===
===Special Character Handling===
Line 48: Line 70:
==From a Manifest==
==From a Manifest==
{{External|[https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#creating-a-secret-manually Creating a Secret Manually]}}
{{External|[https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#creating-a-secret-manually Creating a Secret Manually]}}
The secret's [[Kubernetes Cluster Configuration Concepts#Secret_Data_Map|data map]] key/value pairs can be specified in the manifest. The value must be base64-encoded before being written in the manifest.
<syntaxhighlight lang='yaml'>
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: blue
type: Opaque
  shape: c3F1YXJl
  size: bGFyZ2U=
The value for the "shape" key above was generated as follows:
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
echo -n "square" | base64
Alternatively, the values can be specified in clear as part of the "[[Kubernetes Cluster Configuration Concepts#Secret_StringData_Map|stringData]]" map; they will be encoded by Kubernetes when the secret is created:
<syntaxhighlight lang='yaml'>
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: blue
type: Opaque
  shape: square
  size: large
Assuming that the secret was declared into a blue-secret.yaml file, it can be deployed as follows:
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
kubectl apply -f ./blue-secret.yaml
It then can be queried with:
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
kubectl -o yaml get secret blue
<syntaxhighlight lang='yaml'>
apiVersion: v1
  shape: c3F1YXJl
  size: bGFyZ2U=
kind: Secret
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  creationTimestamp: "2020-01-29T18:37:40Z"
  name: blue
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "3993231"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/blue
  uid: 6def1f72-42c6-11ea-87aa-025000000001
type: Opaque
For more details on secret manifests, see: {{Internal|Kubernetes Secret Manifest#Example|Secret Manifest}}
===Use Cases===
====Secret Containing a YAML Tree====
<syntaxhighlight lang='yaml'>
kind: Secret
  myFile.yaml: |
    something: 'a'
      b: 'c'
==Creating Secrets with a Generator==
{{External|[https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#creating-a-secret-from-generator Creating a Secret from Generator]}}
<font color=darkgray>TODO</font>
=Consume a Secret=
==Consume a Secret as a File==
{{External|[https://github.com/ovidiuf/playground/tree/master/kubernetes/secrets/project-secret-as-file Playground - Consume a Secret as File]}}
Declare and deploy the "blue" secret as described in the [[#From_a_Manifest|Create a Secret from a Manifest]] section.
Modify the pod to add a new <code>.spec.volumes[]</code> volume, whose <code>.spec.volumes[].secret.secretName</code> must match the name of the secret to be exposed to the pod. Then under the container's <code>volumeMounts</code> add a volume mount whose name is the name of the <code>secret</code> volume. Specify <code>spec.containers[].volumeMounts[].readOnly</code> to be <code>true</code>. <font color=darkgray>Even if I don't specify readOnly=true, when trying to edit the content of the file I get "Warning: Changing a readonly file".</font> If there are multiple containers in the pod, each container will need its own volumeMounts mount, but only one <code>.spec.volumes[]</code> volume is needed per pod.
When the pod deploys, each key/value entry of the secret's [[Kubernetes Cluster Configuration Concepts#Secret_Data_Map|data map]]  is exposed as an individual file in the directory specified by <code>spec.containers[].volumeMounts.mountPath</code>, "/etc/blue" in this case. Each individual file name is given by the key and the file content is filled with decoded value from the secret. Note that if the directory exists in the container image, its original content is "hidden" by the mount and it becomes inaccessible.
In the example below, assuming that the "blue" secret has a key named "shape" with a "large" value, the pod sees a /etc/blue/shape file and the content of the file is "large" text:
<syntaxhighlight lang='yaml'>
kind: Pod
  - name: ...
    - name: secret-volume
      mountPath: /etc/blue
      readOnly: true
  - name: secret-volume
      secretName: blue
      defaultMode: 0400
Also see: {{Internal|Kubernetes_Pod_Manifest#volumeMounts|Pod Manifest - volumeMounts}}
===Projection of Keys to Specific Paths with Specific Permissions===
By default, all keys of the map are projected in the root of the volume corresponding to the secret. However, individual keys can be mapped on arbitrary relative paths by using spec.volumes[].secret.items[].key[]. Not only an arbitrary path, but also arbitrary permissions under which the file will be exposed can be specified:
<syntaxhighlight lang='yaml'>
kind: Pod
  - name: secret-volume
      secretName: blue
      defaultMode: 0400
      - key: shape
        path: dir-A/dir-B/secret-shape
        mode: 0440
If the secret contains multiple keys, and the "items[]" element is used, only the keys specified under "items:" will be projected, and the rest will be ignored. Also, if a key that does not exist in the secret is specified, the volume '''is not created'''.
==Consume a Secret as an Environment Variable==
<syntaxhighlight lang='yaml'>
kind: Pod
  - name: ...
    - name: secret-volume
      - name: SECRET_SHAPE
            name: blue
            key: shape
==Project a Secret Key to a Specific Path==
<font color=darkgray>TODO: [https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#using-secrets-as-files-from-a-pod Projection of secret keys to specific paths] Also addresses secret file permissions.</font>
=Update a Secret=
==With an Updated Manifest==
The manifest can be updated and applied with [[kubectl apply]], the state will be merged and updated. Some of its file projections will be updated after a while. Empty string is a valid update. For more details see:{{Internal|Kubernetes_Cluster_Configuration_Concepts#File_Projection_on_Secret_Update|File Projection on Secret Update}}
kubectl edit secret blue
and then edit the values of the fields to be updated. Note that a base64-encoded string is needed.
=Delete a Secret=
kubectl delete secret blue
More details on what happens if a secret is deleted: {{Internal|Kubernetes_Cluster_Configuration_Concepts#Secret_Details|Secret Details}}

Latest revision as of 05:40, 30 October 2020


Inspecting Secrets

kubectl get secrets
kubectl get secret mysecret -o yaml

The value of the secret is base64-encoded and it can be retrieved with:

echo '....' | base64 --decode
kubectl describe secret secret-name

Create a Secret

With kubectl CLI

Creating a Secret Using kubectl create secret

From File

Declare the secret content in one (or more) file(s) on the local filesystem. The file name will become a secret's data map key. Multiple files can be added to the same secret. When the secret is exposed to a pod, the content will be available as volume files with the same name.

echo -n "test-user" > ./username.txt
echo -p "test-password" > ./password.txt
kubectl create secret generic username-and-password --from-file=./username.txt --from-file=./password.txt

This will create the following secret:

Name:         username-and-password
Namespace:    test
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>

Type:  Opaque

password.txt:  17 bytes
username.txt:  9 bytes

From Literal

The secret's data map key followed by "=" followed by value can be specified on command line with --from-literal=.

kubectl create secret generic red --from-literal=key1=somevalue --from-literal=key2=someothervalue

From Env File

A key-value (env) file can be used as source for secrets with --from-env-file=. The keys in the key-value file become the keys in the secret's data map.

kubectl create secret generic green --from-env-file=./test.txt

where test.txt:


Special Character Handling

Special characters such as '$', '*' and '!' require escaping (\).

From a Manifest

Creating a Secret Manually

The secret's data map key/value pairs can be specified in the manifest. The value must be base64-encoded before being written in the manifest.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: blue
type: Opaque
  shape: c3F1YXJl
  size: bGFyZ2U=

The value for the "shape" key above was generated as follows:

echo -n "square" | base64

Alternatively, the values can be specified in clear as part of the "stringData" map; they will be encoded by Kubernetes when the secret is created:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: blue
type: Opaque
  shape: square
  size: large

Assuming that the secret was declared into a blue-secret.yaml file, it can be deployed as follows:

kubectl apply -f ./blue-secret.yaml

It then can be queried with:

kubectl -o yaml get secret blue
apiVersion: v1
  shape: c3F1YXJl
  size: bGFyZ2U=
kind: Secret
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  creationTimestamp: "2020-01-29T18:37:40Z"
  name: blue
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "3993231"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/blue
  uid: 6def1f72-42c6-11ea-87aa-025000000001
type: Opaque

For more details on secret manifests, see:

Secret Manifest

Use Cases

Secret Containing a YAML Tree

kind: Secret
  myFile.yaml: |
    something: 'a'
      b: 'c'

Creating Secrets with a Generator

Creating a Secret from Generator


Consume a Secret

Consume a Secret as a File

Playground - Consume a Secret as File

Declare and deploy the "blue" secret as described in the Create a Secret from a Manifest section.

Modify the pod to add a new .spec.volumes[] volume, whose .spec.volumes[].secret.secretName must match the name of the secret to be exposed to the pod. Then under the container's volumeMounts add a volume mount whose name is the name of the secret volume. Specify spec.containers[].volumeMounts[].readOnly to be true. Even if I don't specify readOnly=true, when trying to edit the content of the file I get "Warning: Changing a readonly file". If there are multiple containers in the pod, each container will need its own volumeMounts mount, but only one .spec.volumes[] volume is needed per pod.

When the pod deploys, each key/value entry of the secret's data map is exposed as an individual file in the directory specified by spec.containers[].volumeMounts.mountPath, "/etc/blue" in this case. Each individual file name is given by the key and the file content is filled with decoded value from the secret. Note that if the directory exists in the container image, its original content is "hidden" by the mount and it becomes inaccessible.

In the example below, assuming that the "blue" secret has a key named "shape" with a "large" value, the pod sees a /etc/blue/shape file and the content of the file is "large" text:

kind: Pod
  - name: ...
    - name: secret-volume
      mountPath: /etc/blue
      readOnly: true
  - name: secret-volume
      secretName: blue
      defaultMode: 0400

Also see:

Pod Manifest - volumeMounts

Projection of Keys to Specific Paths with Specific Permissions

By default, all keys of the map are projected in the root of the volume corresponding to the secret. However, individual keys can be mapped on arbitrary relative paths by using spec.volumes[].secret.items[].key[]. Not only an arbitrary path, but also arbitrary permissions under which the file will be exposed can be specified:

kind: Pod
  - name: secret-volume
      secretName: blue
      defaultMode: 0400
      - key: shape
         path: dir-A/dir-B/secret-shape
         mode: 0440

If the secret contains multiple keys, and the "items[]" element is used, only the keys specified under "items:" will be projected, and the rest will be ignored. Also, if a key that does not exist in the secret is specified, the volume is not created.

Consume a Secret as an Environment Variable

kind: Pod
  - name: ...
    - name: secret-volume
      - name: SECRET_SHAPE
            name: blue
            key: shape

Project a Secret Key to a Specific Path

TODO: Projection of secret keys to specific paths Also addresses secret file permissions.

Update a Secret

With an Updated Manifest

The manifest can be updated and applied with kubectl apply, the state will be merged and updated. Some of its file projections will be updated after a while. Empty string is a valid update. For more details see:

File Projection on Secret Update


kubectl edit secret blue

and then edit the values of the fields to be updated. Note that a base64-encoded string is needed.

Delete a Secret

kubectl delete secret blue

More details on what happens if a secret is deleted:

Secret Details