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* [[Vagrant#Operations|Vagrant]]
* [[Vagrant#Operations|Vagrant]]

=Box Operations=
* <span id='Plugin_Operations'></span>[[Vagrant Plugin Operations|Plugin operations]]
* <span id='Environment_Operations'></span>[[Vagrant Environment Operations|Environment operations]]
* <span id='Instance_Operations'></span>[[Vagrant Instance Operations|Instance operations]]
* <span id='Box_Operations'></span>[[Vagrant Box Operations|Box operations]]
* <span id='Managing_a_VM_in_an_AWS_Environment'></span>[[Vagrant AWS Provider|Managing a VM in an AWS Environment]]

vagrant box list
=Instance Operations=
This is the essential Vagrant command. It starts and provision the vagrant environment:
vagrant up
The backing Vagrantfile can be written in such a way that bringing the machine up creates a <tt>~/.ssh/dev/''vagranthostname''</tt> configuration that [[Ssh Include Named Configuration|can be used by ssh to connect directly]]. This is an example of how to achieve this: [[#Describe_the_VM_in_a_Vagrantfile|Describe the VM in a Vagrantfile]].
vagrant init

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More about jump box.
More about jump box.
Global status of the VM:
vagrant global-status
vagrant status [''name''|''id'']
Stops and deletes all traces of the vagrant machine:
vagrant destroy
vagrant destroy [''name''|''id'']
If the corresponding VM runs in AWS EC2, this terminates the instance.
=Managing a VM in an AWS Environment=
==Describe the VM in a Vagrantfile==
This is an example. More details about Vagrantfile syntax in: {{Internal|Vagrantfile|Vagrantfile}}
<syntaxhighlight lang='ruby'>
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Configuration
# It is assumed that the environment was already configured with AWS authentication (.aws/credentials or AWS
# environment variables). The VM will be created in the configured account/region.
ENVIRONMENT_NAME = "infra-playground"
AWS_KEYPAIR = 'infra-playground'
SSH_CONFIG_FILE = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/dev/infra-worker"
# This is required by AWS CLI as part of instance provisioning call. It must the ID of the private subnet
# the instance will be attached to. If using environments, this subnet should be the default private subnet
# of the environment.
SUBNET_ID = 'subnet-000000000000000'
# This is required by AWS CLI as part of instance provisioning call. It must the ID of the security
# group that will protect the access to the instance. Access must be configuring depending on the instance
# requirements. At minimum, it should allow inbound ssh access.
SECURITY_GROUP_ID = 'sg-000000000000000'
# The AMI of the infra-worker image created by Packer
AMI_ID = ENV['AMI_ID'] || 'ami-0000000000000000'
INSTANCE_TYPE = 'm5.4xlarge'
# Install vagrant plugin
# @param: plugin type: Array[String] desc: The desired plugin to install
def ensure_plugins(plugins)
  logger =
  result = false
  plugins.each do |p|
    pm =
    plugin_hash = pm.installed_plugins
    next if plugin_hash.key?(p)
    result = true
    logger.warn("Installing plugin #{p}")
  if result
    logger.warn('Re-run vagrant up now that plugins are installed')
def aws_config(name)
  value = `aws configure get #{name}`.strip
  raise ArgumentError, "aws #{name} config must be set; use 'aws configure set #{name} <value>'" if value.empty?
def username
  ENV['USER'] || 'anonymous'
def hostname
# Create and configure the AWS instance(s)
Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
  config.vm.define :infra_worker do |t|
  config.vm.hostname = hostname
  # Use dummy AWS box
  # = 'dummy'
  config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
  # Specify AWS provider configuration
  config.vm.provider 'aws' do |aws, override|
    # Specify SSH keypair to use, which should match SSH_PRIVATE_KEY
    aws.keypair_name = AWS_KEYPAIR
    aws.instance_type = INSTANCE_TYPE
    aws.associate_public_ip = false
    aws.elastic_ip = false
    # Launch configuration
    aws.ami = AMI_ID
    aws.subnet_id = SUBNET_ID
    aws.security_groups = [SECURITY_GROUP_ID]
    aws.block_device_mapping = [{ 'DeviceName' => '/dev/xvda', 'Ebs.VolumeSize' => VOLUME_SIZE_GB }]
    aws.tags = {
      'Name' => hostname,
      'Created by' => username,
      'Environment' => ENVIRONMENT_NAME
    # Specify username and private key path
    config.ssh.forward_agent = true
    override.ssh.username = 'ec2-user'
    override.ssh.private_key_path = SSH_PRIVATE_KEY
    override.ssh.proxy_command = "ssh -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -W %h:%p -i #{override.ssh.private_key_path} %r@#{BASTION_HOST}"
  config.trigger.after [:up] do |t| = "Writing ssh config to #{SSH_CONFIG_FILE}" = { path: '../_common_tools_and_config/bin/configure-ssh-access', args: [SSH_CONFIG_FILE.to_s] }
Companion ssh configuration script <code>configure-ssh-access'</code>
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function usage() {
cat << EOF
Write the output of "vagrant ssh-config" to the configuration file specified as first argument.
This script is invoked as part of the "vagrant up" sequence. Various Vagrantfiles that mention
it have the path to it hardcoded.
function main() {
    local ssh_config_file=$1
    [[ -z ${ssh_config_file} ]] && { echo "a ssh configuration file must be specified" 1>&2; exit 1; }
    mkdir -p $(dirname ${ssh_config_file})
    # Ruby won't allow for "-" in host name so we convert it here. "Host a_b" will be converted to "Host a-b".
    vagrant ssh-config | sed -e 's/^\(Host.*\)_\(.*\)/\1-\2/' > ${ssh_config_file}
main "$@"

Latest revision as of 19:57, 17 November 2019





Connect to machine via SSH:

vagrant ssh

How does it know to connect to the instance it was started? More about jump box.