WildFly JBossWeb Tomcat Connector Internal ThreadPool Statistics: Difference between revisions

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The system property will determine the Tomcat Http11Protocol or class AjpProtocol to expose the corresponding JIoEndpoit in JMX as "jboss.web:name=<protocol>-<bind-address>-<port>,type=ThreadPool". Example: "jboss.web:name=ajp-,type=ThreadPool".

Revision as of 17:44, 10 May 2017



  • EAP 6.4.10


Tomcat connector internal thread pool JMX statistics are not exposed by default. In order to expose them, the JBoss instance must start with "org.apache.tomcat.util.ENABLE_MODELER" system property set to "true". This can be done in the .conf file corresponding to the mode JBoss is run in (standalone.conf or in domain.conf):

JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.ENABLE_MODELER=true"

Alternatively, it can be specified in the <system-properties> section of the configuration file:

    <property name="org.apache.tomcat.util.ENABLE_MODELER" value="true"/>

The system property will determine the Tomcat Http11Protocol or class AjpProtocol to expose the corresponding JIoEndpoit in JMX as "jboss.web:name=<protocol>-<bind-address>-<port>,type=ThreadPool". Example: "jboss.web:name=ajp-,type=ThreadPool".