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=State Persistence Considerations=
=State Persistence Considerations=
The "jenkins-persistent" template requires a persistent volume.

=Pipeline Definition=
=Pipeline Definition=

Revision as of 00:07, 22 November 2017




OpenShift provides a certified Jenkins container for building Continuous Delivery pipelines. When necessary, it scales the pipeline execution by on-demand provisioning of multiple Jenkins containers, allowing Jenkins to run many jobs in parallel.


This is the memory consumption based on a test installation:

  • jenkins/jenkins-jnlp pod: 720 MB
  • nexus pod: 610 MB
  • gogs pod: 110 MB

Jenkins Pods and Projects

Jenkins infrastructure can run in an arbitrary project, on a per-project basis, but a more common setup is to create a dedicated CI/CD project and configure it to perform CI/CD services for other "client" projects.

Security Considerations

Jenkins components need to access the OpenShift API exposed by the master for various operations: to access container images, to trigger a build, to check the status of a build, etc. so special privileges need to be assigned to the service account under whose credentials Jenkins runs. Jenkins authenticates to the API using the "system:serviceaccount:<project-name>:default service account, where <project-name> is the name of the project the Jenkins pod runs in. The service account must be granted the "admin" role:

oc policy add-role-to-user admin system:serviceaccount:<jenkins-project-name>:default

"default" is a generic account, so in general is a good idea to created a dedicated "jenkins" service account, to be used by the Jenkins processes: "system:serviceaccount:<project-name>:jenkins.

oc policy add-role-to-user admin system:serviceaccount:<jenkins-project-name>:jenkins

Jenkins performs CI/CD services for other projects, so the service account running the Jenkins pods in the Jenkins project must be granted elevated privileges in the projects serviced by it:

oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:<jenkins-project-name>:jenkins -n <client-project>

To list the roles associated with a service account, use oc get rolebindings or oc describe policyBindings.

Also see:

Grant Jenkins Needed Privileges for the Projects that Require CI/CD Services

State Persistence Considerations

The "jenkins-persistent" template requires a persistent volume.

Pipeline Definition

Jenkins drives the pipeline, so the pipeline is defined in Jenkins, but it uses OpenShift to perform the build and the deployment, by invoking OpenShift API via "openshiftBuild", "openshiftVerifyBuild", "openshiftDeploy", "openshiftVerifyDeployment", "openshiftVerifyService":

node {

 stage ("Build") {
                  apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', 
                  authToken: , 
                  bldCfg: 'hello-nodejs', 
                  buildName: , 
                  checkForTriggeredDeployments: 'false', 
                  commitID: , 
                  namespace: , 
                  showBuildLogs: 'false', 
                  verbose: 'false', 
                  apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', 
                  authToken: ,
                   bldCfg: 'hello-nodejs',
                  'false', namespace: , 
                  verbose: 'false'
 stage ("Deploy") {
                  apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', 
                  authToken: , 
                  depCfg: 'hello-nodejs', 
                  namespace: , 
                  verbose: 'false', 
                  apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', 
                  authToken: , 
                  depCfg: 'hello-nodejs', 
                  namespace: , 
                  replicaCount: '1',                    
                  verbose: 'false', 
                  verifyReplicaCount: 'false', 
 stage ("Verify") {
                  apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', 
                  authToken: , 
                  namespace: , 
                  svcName: 'hello-nodejs', 
                  verbose: 'false'