AWS CloudFormation Concepts Intrinsic Functions: Difference between revisions

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The '''full form''' of the function is:
The '''full form''' of the function is:

  Fn:: ImportValue: ''source-stack-export-name''
  Fn::ImportValue: ''source-stack-export-name''

The '''short form''' of the function is:
The '''short form''' of the function is:

  ! ImportValue ''source-stack-export-name''
  !ImportValue ''source-stack-export-name''

Fn:: ImportValue: Can be used as a key in a YAML structure:
Fn:: ImportValue: Can be used as a key in a YAML structure:

Revision as of 02:45, 18 April 2019


Intrinsic Function Reference



All intrinsic functions have full function name:

Fn::ImportValue: stack_output_export_name

and a short form:

!ImportValue stack_output_export_name

Note that because of ":" presence in the full function syntax, the full function forms cannot be used as YAML map values, as such:

  SomeKey: Fn::ImportValue: something

The template validation will fail with:

An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateStack operation: Template format error: YAML not well-formed. (line 15, column 24)

To use the full function form, the value must be placed on a subsequent line, and indented as such:

    Fn::ImportValue: something

There are situations when two short function names cannot be used together. The following will generate an invalid result:

  LogGroupName: !Join [ "-", [!Sub ${SomeParameter}, !ImportValue SomeOutput]]

A solution to this is to combine full function form and short function form:

      - "-"
        - !Sub ${SomeParameter}
        - !ImportValue SomeOutput

Ref:, !Ref


The intrinsic function Ref: returns the value of the object it refers to, such as a parameter or resource. When a parameter logical name is specified, it returns the value of the parameter. When a resource logical name is specified, it returns a value that can be typically used to refer to that resource, such as a physical ID.

The full form of the function is:

Ref: reference

Note that Ref is the only intrinsic function that does not have a Fn::Name: as full form.

The short form of the function is:

!Ref reference

Note that no "${...}" should be used around the reference, the parser will actually detect that as syntax error.


!Ref AWS::StackName
!Ref MyParameter
!Ref MyResourceName

Fn::Sub:, !Sub


The intrinsic function Fn::Sub: substitutes variables in an input string with specified values.

The full form of the function is:

Fn::Sub: ${reference1} is a ${reference2}

The short form of the function is:

!Sub ${reference1} is a ${reference2}

If only template parameters, resource logical IDs and resource attributes are substituted in the String parameter, no variable map is required:

!Sub '${TemplateParameterA} is a ${TemplateParameterB}'
!Sub '${AWS::Region}-something'

Fn::Sub: can be used as a replacement for Fn::GetAtt:, as it seems to extract the attributes of a resource and place them in a string just fine. This is an example of how to obtain the ARN of a resource created in the same template:

Using Sub to Configure the ARN of a Resource Created by the Template


  # this resource has an ARN

  # this resource needs the ARN
    Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
        DestinationArn: !Sub '${AccessLogGroup.Arn}'

Fn::GetAtt:, !GetAtt


An intrinsic function that returns arbitrary attributes of a resource (Ref returns just important value associated with the resource). The function takes two parameters: the logical name of the resource and the attribute to be retrieved, as an array.

Using GetAtt to Configure the ARN of a Resource Created by the Template


  # this resource has an ARN

  # this resource needs the ARN
    Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
        DestinationArn: !GetAtt AccessLogGroup.Arn

Fn::ImportValue:, !ImportValue


The Fn::ImportValue: returns the value of an output exported by another stack. The function is used to create cross-stack references.

The full form of the function is:

Fn::ImportValue: source-stack-export-name

The short form of the function is:

!ImportValue source-stack-export-name

Fn:: ImportValue: Can be used as a key in a YAML structure:

  Fn::ImportValue: ...

or a value:

       Fn::ImportValue: !Sub '${AWS::Region}-BuildBucket'

Fn::Join:, !Join


The Fn::Join function takes two parameters, a delimiter that separates the values to be joined (concatenated) and an array of values to be concatenated, in the order in which they should appear in the result.

The full form of the function is:

  - 'delimiter'
    - 'first-value'
    - 'second-value'
    - 'third-value'

The short form of the function is:

!Join [ delimiter, [ comma-delimited list of values ] ]


!Join ['-', [ a, b, c ]]
!Join ['-', !Split ['/', !Sub '${something}-something-else']]

returns "a:b:c"

Fn::Split:, !Spit

!Split ['.', ""]
!Split ['/', !Sub '${something}-something-else']

returns ["www", "example", "com"].

Fn::Select:, !Select


Fn::FindInMap:, !FindInMap

!FindInMap [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]