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==Start with Admission Controller Enabled==
===Start with Admission Controller Enabled===
See [[#Enable_Pod_Security_Policies|Enable Pod Security Policies]] below for an example how to start with a PodSecurityPolicy admission controller.
See [[#Enable_Pod_Security_Policies|Enable Pod Security Policies]] below for an example how to start with a PodSecurityPolicy admission controller.

Revision as of 00:28, 2 October 2020




Administration is done with minikube.


minikube instance must be running for "addons" to work.

minikube addons list
minikube addons enable <addon-name>


minikube start

  minikube v1.12.3 on Darwin 10.14.6
✨  Automatically selected the docker driver
👍  Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
🚜  Pulling base image ...
💾  Downloading Kubernetes v1.18.3 preload ...
    > preloaded-images-k8s-v5-v1.18.3-docker-overlay2-amd64.tar.lz4: 510.91 MiB
🔥  Creating docker container (CPUs=2, Memory=8100MB) ...
🐳  Preparing Kubernetes v1.18.3 on Docker 19.03.8 ...
🔎  Verifying Kubernetes components...
🌟  Enabled addons: default-storageclass, storage-provisioner
🏄  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube"

❗  /usr/local/bin/kubectl is version 1.16.6-beta.0, which may be incompatible with Kubernetes 1.18.3.
💡  You can also use 'minikube kubectl -- get pods' to invoke a matching version

Kubernetes Configuration at Startup
minikube start --extra-config=.... --extra-config=...
minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.enable-admission-plugins=PodSecurityPolicy

Start with Admission Controller Enabled

See Enable Pod Security Policies below for an example how to start with a PodSecurityPolicy admission controller.


minikube status

type: Control Plane
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubeconfig: Configured


minikube stop

✋  Stopping node "minikube"  ...
🛑  Powering off "minikube" via SSH ...
🛑  1 nodes stopped.


minikube dashboard


minikube version


Deletes a local Kubernetes cluster. This command deletes the VM, and removes all associated files.

minikube delete --all --purge

--all deletes all profiles.

--purge deletes delete the '.minikube' folder from the user directory.

Enable Pod Security Policies
minikube stop
minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.enable-admission-plugins=PodSecurityPolicy --addons=pod-security-policy


CRI-O Support on minikube

minikube logs
minikube start --alsologtostderr --v=2

Obtaining details about kube-apiserver startup arguments:

kubectl -n kube-system describe pod kube-apiserver-minikube

SSH into the minikube VM:

minikube ssh

To get more details about IP and port:

minikube ssh --v=2 --alsologtostderr

Then you can use the IP address ( and the port to connect via native SSH:

ssh docker@ -p 32799 -i ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa

For file transfer, a local directory can be mounted into the minikube VM (failed last time I tried it):

minikube mount ~/tmp/minikube:/tmp/temporary

Files can be transferred back and forth via scp:

scp -P 32799 -i ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa docker@ .