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go help build
go help build
==<span id='Build_an_Executable_with_go_build'></span><span id='Package_without_Module_Support'></span><span id='Package_within_a_Module'></span><tt>build</tt>==
{{Internal|go build#Overview|<tt>go build</tt>}}
{{Internal|go build#Overview|<tt>go build</tt>}}

Revision as of 00:57, 3 October 2023




go is a command line tool with multiple uses: package manager, build tool and test driver. go manage packages in workspaces, query metadata about packages, print documentation, build, format, download, test, etc.

Shared Flags

Shared Flags



go help <command>
go help build


go build

The build command compiles one or more packages. If a "main" package is among the arguments, the tool creates an executable as described below. The following flags apply:

Shared Flags

TO DEPLETE: Go_Commands_-_build

Build an Executable with go build

go build [options] <main-package-import-path>

Note that depending on whether the package is part of module or not, the main package import path may include the module path.

The executable is placed in the directory go build is executed from.

The name of the executable is given by the last segment of the main package import path, and it can be configured with the -o command line option. The argument of -o can be the new name of the executable file, in which case the executable will be written in the current directory, or an absolute or relative path, in which case the executable, named after the last segment of the path, will be written at the given path.

Package without Module Support

In case of a package without module support, with the go tool configured in GOPATH mode (GOPATH configured to include the parent of the src directory and GO111MODULE set to "auto"), and with this directory layout:

└─ src
   └─ a
      └─ b
         └─ c
            └─ main.go # package main

the executable is built with:

go build a/b/c

The executable will be named "c", based on the last segment of the package import path and will be place in the directory go build was executed from. To change the name of the executable, use the -o option:

go build -o blue a/b/c

This will create an executable named "blue".

Package within a Module

An a/b/c main package with a similar layout, but this time included within an example.com module

├─ a
│  └─ b
│     └─ c
│        └─ main.go # package main
└─ go.mod

can have its executable built with:

go build [-o blue] example.com/a/b/c


go install


The run command compiles the specified packages or files by delegating to go build and then runs the executable. There must be a main for an executable to be generated.

go run ./src/main/main.go some-arg-1 some-arg-2

The first argument that does not end in .go is assumed to be the beginning of the list of command line arguments of the executable.

The shared flags described here apply:

Shared Flags


The shared flags described here apply:

Shared Flags


Clean the build cache:

go clean -cache


Clean the fuzz cache:

go clean -fuzzcache


The doc command prints documentation for a package or a package member:

go doc time
go doc time.Since


The fmt ("format") command formats source code files.


The get command downloads packages and installs them. The shared flags described here apply:

Shared Flags


The list command lists all installed packages. The shared flags described here apply:

Shared Flags


The test command runs tests. The shared flags described here apply:

Shared Flags

For more details, see:

Go Testing


The env command prints the effective values of the environment variables relevant to the tool chain.



The get command retrieve and update packages.

TODO Addison-Wesley The Go Programming Language Section 10.7.2


go mod

