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===Finding a Repository for a Module Path===
===Finding a Repository for a Module Path===
===Mapping Versions to Commits===

=Managing Dependencies=
=Managing Dependencies=

Revision as of 21:00, 8 December 2023




A module is a collection of related packages that are stored together under the same filesystem tree, released, versioned and distributed together. Modules have been introduced in Go 1.11. Packages, a lower-level namespacing, encapsulation and code sharing mechanism, are published as part of modules.

A module is stored as a directory that contains a go.mod file and subdirectories that contain the source code for the module's packages. The go.mod stores metadata such as dependencies needed by the module, required Go version, etc. If any of the subdirectories contains a go.mod file, that subdirectory represents an embedded module.

Modules may be downloaded directly from version control repositories, or from module proxy servers.

Module Path (Module Name)

The module path and module name are used interchangeably. The module path is the published location from which the module can be downloaded by go tool, such as the module code’s repository location. For example, to download the module golang.org/x/tools, the go tool should go to the repository indicated by https://golang.org/x/tools. The process is described in Finding a Repository for a Module Path. The module path serves as a unique identifier, when combined with the module’s version number. The module path serves as import path prefix for all the packages in the module. Packages in the standard library do not have a module path prefix.

Example: github.com/apache/yunikorn-core

The module path is specified when the module is initialized with:

go mod init <module-path>

For more details on go.mod initialization, see go.mod Initialization below.

Package Import Path

For packages distributed as part of a module, the package's import path is the concatenation of the module's module path and the package's subdirectory within the module. The Multi-Package Module Layout example, provided below, contains packages with import paths example.com/generic/a and example.com/generic/other/b. It is possible to declare a module that contains a single package, with identical module path and package import path. Single-Package Module is such an example.


CONSOLIDATE with go.mod.

go.mod declares the module path, which is the import path prefix for all packages within the module. It also tracks the modules that provide dependencies to this module.

One way to create it is with go mod init:

go mod init <module-path>

go.mod stays with the code, including in the source repository.


module example.com/hello

go 1.21.0

require rsc.io/quote v1.5.2

require (
	golang.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c // indirect
	rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0 // indirect

Declaring Modules

This section assumes we want to write an example.com/generic module, which consists of two packages a and b. The a package lives in an a directory in the module root directory, which gives it a example.com/generic/a import path. The b package lives in an other/b directory in the module root directory, which gives it a example.com/generic/other/b import path. There is also a main package that provides the command line binary.

Initialize go.mod

In the module root directory, initialize the go.mod file.

go mod init <module-path>
go mod init example.com/generic

Module Layout

This section needs refactoring after reading "Managing module source" https://go.dev/doc/modules/managing-source

The module root directory contains the go.mod file and the package directories.

Single-Package Module

Simple, one-package modules, where the module path and the the package import path are the same, are supported. In the example below, the single-package module contains just a single a package. The module path example.com/a is the same as the package import path. The filesystem layout is:

├─ go.mod
└─ a.go

The source file declares inclusion in the a package:

package a


go.mod declares the module path and not much else:

module example.com/a
go 1.21.0

Multi-Package Module Layout

├── go.mod # Declares a module named example.com/generic
├── a
│   └─ a.go 
├── other
│    └─ b
│       └─ b.go
└── generic-cmd.go # part of the "main" package

Publishing Modules

This section needs refactoring after reading "Publishing a module" https://go.dev/doc/modules/publishing

Also, reconcile with go install.

Consuming Modules

A package published as part of module can be consumed from another consumer module by importing it from the consumer module source code with the import keyword followed by the package import path, which includes the module path. In simple cases, the module and package import paths can be the same:

package main

import (

The go.mod of the consumer module must be updated with dependency tracking information. If the dependency is published and accessible via network, go.mod can be automatically updated with (after declaring imports appropriately in source files):

go mod tidy

However, for a local, unpublished modules whose code is available only on the local filesystem as a known relative path, the consumer module's go.mod can be edited manually as follows:

module example.com/consumer


require example.com/a v0.0.0-unpublished
replace example.com/a v0.0.0-unpublished => ../a  // relative path from the consumer module directory to the dependency module directory

Importing Packages from Remote Modules

Importing Precompiled Packages

Importing Packages from GitHub

  • Where does go mod store the precompiled packages?
  • Same question for GoLand. Is the same place?
  • What does actually happen there? Are we downloading sources or binaries?

Finding a Repository for a Module Path


Mapping Versions to Commits


Managing Dependencies

TODO: https://go.dev/doc/modules/managing-dependencies

Developing and Publishing Modules

TODO: https://go.dev/doc/modules/developing

Module Version

Modules evolve by publishing new versions.


Other Module Subjects

Module Proxy Server

Module Cache

Is the module cache the same as build cache?

Build Cache

Configuring Modules in GoLand
