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<code>Tick</code> is a convenience wrapper for [[#NewTicker()|NewTicker]] providing access to the ticking channel only. While <code>Tick</code> is useful for clients that have no need to shut down the Ticker, be aware that without a way to shut it down the underlying Ticker cannot be recovered by the garbage collector; it "leaks". Unlike NewTicker, Tick will return nil if d <= 0.
<code>Tick</code> is a convenience wrapper for [[#NewTicker()|NewTicker]] providing access to the ticking channel only. While <code>Tick</code> is useful for clients that have no need to shut down the Ticker, be aware that without a way to shut it down the underlying Ticker cannot be recovered by the garbage collector; it "leaks". Unlike NewTicker, Tick will return nil if d <= 0.

Revision as of 19:27, 13 February 2024




  • time.After returns a channel that after the given duration, will send current time on it. This can be used to implement a timeout with select.



Sleep pauses the current goroutine for at least the duration d. A negative or zero duration causes Sleep to return immediately:

import "time"
secs := 10
time.Sleep(time.Duration(secs) * time.Second)

Other available time units: time.Milliseconds.


Return the current local time as an instance of a Time struct.



A time structure that represents an instant in time with nanosecond precision.


Return seconds since Jan 1 year 1.


Return the number of nanoseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC, represented on 8 bytes (int64). The result does not depend on the location associated with the time instance the method was called on.


The After() returns a channel that will provide a Time instance after the given duration elapses. Equivalent with NewTimer(d).C.

The function can be used with a select statement to time out the select statement if none of the participating channels ever unblock. It does that by returning a channel what will send the current time after the provided duration.





Tick is a convenience wrapper for NewTicker providing access to the ticking channel only. While Tick is useful for clients that have no need to shut down the Ticker, be aware that without a way to shut it down the underlying Ticker cannot be recovered by the garbage collector; it "leaks". Unlike NewTicker, Tick will return nil if d <= 0.


A Clock that Does Something Every Second

for range time.Tick(1 * time.Second) {