WildFly Unzip Installation: Difference between revisions

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=Unset the <tt>JBOSS_HOME</tt> Environment Variable=
=Unset the <tt>JBOSS_HOME</tt> Environment Variable=
If the <tt>JBOSS_HOME<tt> value is accidentally set to point to another WildFly deployment, it will interfere with the next steps, so it is best if you unset it.

Revision as of 00:06, 12 February 2016

In process of being migrated from https://home.feodorov.com:9443/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBoss7UnzipInstallation



This document describes the WildFly "manual" installation procedure. It consists in unzipping a release zip file and configuring the deployment. It applies to both standalone and domain mode for WildFly and EAP releases. Additional configuration such as enabling SSL, adding data sources, adding HA to the domain controller, etc. can be performed after the installation. The examples below mention "jboss", as the procedure was applied to an EAP installation.

Extract Release from ZIP File

Extraction User

Unzip in place as the user intended to run the server. For example, if the application server will be run by an "eap" user, become that user and extract under that user's identity. If there are no sufficient permissions on the parent directory, temporarily lessen the permission during the unzip operation, then restore more restrictive permissions on the parent folder.


unzip .../jboss-eap-6.4.0.zip

The operation will create a ./jboss-eap-6.4 directory.

Create a Symbolic Link

ln -s ./jboss-eap-6.4 jboss

Optional for a Standalone Installation

If you perform a standalone installation you can remove the domain subdirectory to reduce the clutter and confusion. You won't need it.

Optional on a Host Controller and/or Domain Controller

This applies when we install a host controller and when the host controller is also the domain controller: the standalone directory can be removed.

cd jboss
rm -r standalone
cd bin
rm standalone *

Optional on a non-Windows Machine

The *.bat files from bin can be removed.

cd jboss/bin
rm *.bat

Unset the JBOSS_HOME Environment Variable

If the JBOSS_HOME value is accidentally set to point to another WildFly deployment, it will interfere with the next steps, so it is best if you unset it.