Spring Flyway Support: Difference between revisions

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* Disable flyway support:

=How to Enable Flyway=
=How to Enable Flyway=

=How to Disable Flyway=
=How to Disable Flyway=

Revision as of 00:17, 5 December 2018




  • Understand how main/resource/db/migration/V1.0_init.sql drives schema creation with Spring Data JPA.

Database Migration on Startup


Flyway database migration is automatically triggered on startup if "org.flywaydb:flyway-core" dependency is present in the application's classpath.

The migration script naming convention is V<version>_<name>.sql where:

  • <version> is an underscore separated version, such as "1" or "1_2".
  • <name> ?

The migration script default location is "classpath:db/migration[/{vendor}]", but it can be overridden with the "spring.flyway.locations" property, which should contain a comma-separated list of one or more classpath: or filesystem: locations.


The {vendor} placeholder is set according to the type of database.

Flyway requires a schema history table to drive migration off of. If the schema history table is not found, the migration fails with:

Error creating bean with name 'flywayInitializer' defined in class path resource ...: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Found non-empty schema(s) "public" without schema history table! Use baseline() or set baselineOnMigrate to true to initialize the schema history table.

Schema history table can be initiated by setting "baselineOnMigrate" to true:


Upon initialization, a "flyway_schema_history" table is created:

                     Table "public.flyway_schema_history"
     Column     |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default
 installed_rank | integer                     |           | not null |
 version        | character varying(50)       |           |          |
 description    | character varying(200)      |           | not null |
 type           | character varying(20)       |           | not null |
 script         | character varying(1000)     |           | not null |
 checksum       | integer                     |           |          |
 installed_by   | character varying(100)      |           | not null |
 installed_on   | timestamp without time zone |           | not null | now()
 execution_time | integer                     |           | not null |
 success        | boolean                     |           | not null |
   "flyway_schema_history_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (installed_rank)
   "flyway_schema_history_s_idx" btree (success)

A successful verification looks like this in the logs:

Flyway Community Edition 5.1.4 by Boxfuse
Database: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/fds_test (PostgreSQL 10.6)
Successfully validated 1 migration (execution time 00:00.016s)
Current version of schema "public": 1
Schema "public" is up to date. No migration necessary.



How to Enable Flyway

How to Disable Flyway