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<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
sed -i 's/a/b' ./somefile.txt
sed -i 's/a/b/' ./somefile.txt

Revision as of 01:59, 20 September 2020



GNU sed vs. BSD sed

GNU sed supports extra functionality relative to the BDS sed - for example \L and \U functions to turn a character to lower and upper cases. macOS comes with the BSD sed, so that is why it's probably a good idea to make upgrading to GNU sed part of the configuring a new Mac.

This is how you know you're using a BSD sed: if no GNU sed was installed, 'man sed' displays in the header "BSD General Commands Manual". The default location is

This is how you know you're using a GNU sed: 'man sed' lists Free Software Foundations in copyright. Also, 'which sed' that returns /usr/local/bin/sed is a good indicator.

Programmatic Test

echo a | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\U\1/'

will return "Ua" for BDS sed and "A" for GNU sed.


Install gnu sed on Mac

Command Line Options


sed -i extension 'expression' filename

Edit the file in-place, saving backups with the specified extension. If a zero-length extension is given, no backup will be saved:

sed -i '' 'expression' filename


sed -i 's/a/b/' ./somefile.txt


Provides the command expression:

sed -e 's/a/b/g'

Multiple -e are allowed:

sed -e 's/a/b/g' -e 's/x/y/g'



Substitute according to regex.

The return code of the command is not influenced by whether the regex matched or not.


Print the current pattern space. Note that the pattern space is printed automatically, unless -n is used.

sed Regular Expressions

sed Regular Expressions

Insert a Line/Append in a Specific Position (line number) in a file

Figure out the line number:

# determine the last line that contains ^JAVA_OPTS
local n
n=$(cat ${f} | grep -n "^JAVA_OPTS=" | tail -1) || { echo "failed to determine the line number" 1>&2; exit 1; }

Insert a line at line 'n':

# insert at line "n":
cat ${f} | sed -e ${n}'a\
This line will be inserted at line number '"${n}"', and this '"${variable}"' will be substituted' > ${dest}

To append at a specific line number, determine the line number as before and effectively "substitute" (s) the line end with your addition:

cat ${f} | sed -e ${n}'s/$/this text will be appended at line number, and this '"${variable}"' will be substituted\n' > ${dest}

Insert Multiple Lines at a Specific Position in a File

Use the above recipe, and in the last phase, use:

cat ${f} | sed -e ${n}'a\
blah with variable substitution, etc' > ${dest}

Insert on a New Line

Assuming that blah is the last sequence on the line:

cat ... | sed -e 's/blah/blah\n    on a new line/'

Deleting with sed

Delete a Line that Matches a Certain Pattern

sed will delete a line identified by line number or if the line matches a regular expression pattern:

sed '{<n>|/<regex>/}d' <file-name>


  • n is the 1-based line number.
  • /<regex>/ is the pattern.


Delete the third line of the file

sed -e '3d' a.txt 

Delete lines 5 through 10 and 12:

sed -e '5,10d;12d' a.txt

Delete all lines below line 10:

sed -e '10,$d' a.txt

Delete all lines that match a certain pattern

sed '/b..h/d' a.txt > b.txt

Delete all lines that match a certain patter and then the next lines

The solution uses pattern-matching deletion command 'd', and the command 'N' that loads the next pattern space.

This removes the pattern line and the next line:

sed -e '/something/{N;d}' ...

This removes the pattern line and the next two lines:

sed -e '/something/{N;N;d}' ...

Delete only the next line containing the pattern, but not the very line:

sed '/something/{N;s/\n.*//;}' file

Delete only the line containing the pattern, and the line before the pattern:

 sed -n '/something/{s/.*//;x;d;};x;p;${x;p;}' file | sed '/^$/d'

Delete empty lines

sed '/^$/d' file

Delete all lines which are empty or which contains just some blank spaces

sed '/^ *$/d' file

Delete the last line

$ means "the last line"

sed -e '$d' a.txt

Delete Lines Between Certain "Addresses"

sed '<n1>,<n2>d' <file-name>

sed '/<regex1/,/regex2/d' <file-name>

sed '<n1>,/regex1/d' <file-name>

sed '/regex1/,<n2>d' <file-name>

The addresses can be line numbers or regular expressions. Line numbers are 1-based.

Line numbers and regular expressions can be combined, they're both treated as addresses.


Delete all lines between line 2 and line 5 (inclusively)

sed '2,5d' a.txt > b.txt

Delete all lines between the occurrences of two regular expressions

sed '/red/,/blue/d' a.txt > b.txt

Delete Negation

sed can be used to delete all lines that do not match a certain pattern.

sed '/<regex>/!d' <file-name>

Printing with sed

Print a Line Specified by Its Number

Line numbering is 1-based. The following command suppresses the automatic display of the pattern space by specifying -n, then it loads the specified line in the pattern space and prints it:

sed -n <line_number>p <file>

The folding example prints line 12:

sed -n 12p a.txt

Replacing First Occurrence In a File

On Mac, use 1. I read that on other sed version I have to use 0:

    sed -e '1,/pattern/s/pattern/replacement/' ${file} > ./tmp

Convert a Character to Upper or Lower Case

This functionality is only available in the GNU sed.

Use \L and \U, as follows:
sed -e 's/^\(.\)/\U\1/'

Numbers are not changed.

To convert the entire string:

sed -e 's/^\(.*\)$/\U\1/')