Amazon EKS Create and Delete Cluster: Difference between revisions

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=Deletion Procedure=
=Deletion Procedure=
==Delete Nodes and Cluster==

Remove and delete nodes.
Remove and delete nodes.

Delete the cluster.

Delete the cluster.
==Delete the Associated Resources (Subnets, VPC, etc).

Remove the associated resources by running Delete on the CloudFormation stack used to create resources.
Remove the associated resources by running Delete on the CloudFormation stack used to create resources.

Revision as of 19:42, 28 September 2020



Creation Procedure

Create a dedicated IAM role following the procedure described here. Use the "EKS - Cluster" use case.

Edit the role trust relationship and ensure that the IAM user used to create the cluster (arn:aws:iam::999999999999:user/some.user) has sts:AssumeRole for the IAM role. This is how to enable an IAM User to assume an IAM Role.

Create a dedicated VPC and associated resources using the pre-defined CloudFormation stack as described here:

  • Use "public and private subnets" option.
  • Do not specify an IAM role.

Write down the name of the stack, as it may be needed to delete the resources.

Also write down VpcId, SecurityGroups, SubnetId

Create the cluster. From the Console → EKS → Create Cluster

  • Cluster Service Role
  • VPC
  • Subnets (all existing are preselected)
  • Security groups: use Control Plane Security Group.
  • Custer Endpoint Access

Provision managed nodes (compute):

Create a "compute" Role (EC2 add AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy, AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy, AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly policies)

Select the EKS cluster, go to Compute

Add Node Group.

Select only the private subnets.

Verify with

kubectl get nodes

Deletion Procedure

Delete Nodes and Cluster

Remove and delete nodes.

Delete the cluster.

==Delete the Associated Resources (Subnets, VPC, etc).

Remove the associated resources by running Delete on the CloudFormation stack used to create resources.