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<syntaxhighlight lang='yaml'>
- name: Bump Java build heap size to {{build.jvm.heap_max}} MB
    path: "{{ansible_env.PROJECT_ROOT}}/.idea/compiler.xml"
    xpath: /project/component[@name='CompilerConfiguration']/option[@name='BUILD_PROCESS_HEAP_SIZE']
    attribute: "value"
    value: "{{build.jvm.heap_max}}"
<syntaxhighlight lang='yaml'>
- name: Set Eclipse as default compiler
    path: "{{idea_path}}/.idea/compiler.xml"
    xpath: /project/component[@name='CompilerConfiguration']/option[@name='DEFAULT_COMPILER']
    attribute: "value"
    value: "Eclipse"

Revision as of 00:37, 5 July 2021




The plugin is named community.general.xml and it offers functionality aimed at interacting with XML files, using XPath.


    <object name="A" color="red">square</child>
    <object name="B" color="green">circle</child>
    <object name="C" color="blue">triangle</child>
- name: XML manipulation
    path: /tmp/test.xml # the file must exist
    xpath: /box/object[@name='B']

Module Parameters

path (dest, file)

The path to the file to operate on. The file must exists, otherwise the module will fail, with a message similar to: The target XML source '...' does not exist.. The parameter is required unless xmlstring is provided.

- name: test
    path: /tmp/test.xml # the file must exist


A valid XPath expression describing the file item(s) to manipulate. Operates on the document root, /, by default.

- name: test
    xpath: /box/object[@name='B']


Boolean. Configure the module to provide the xpath match count. By default is turned off.


A string containing in-line XML content on which to operate. This parameter is required, unless path is given.


A boolean value ("yes", "no") that tells whether to pretty print the content of the generated files. By default, pretty printing is turned off.


Boolean (yes, no). Create a backup file including timestamp information so the original file can be recovered in case the transformation is wrong.



Boolean, by default is turned off. Search for a given XPath and print out any matches. This parameter requires xpath to be set.



content: Query with XPath and Specifying what Kind of Result to Provide

Specifies the kind of content we want to get from the matching XPath expression:

xpath must be set.


The matches result key contains a JSON document listing the matching elements and the value of all their attributes. The count result key contains the number of matching elements.

- name: test
    path: test.xml
    xpath: /box/object[@name='B']
    content: 'attribute'
  register: xpath_result

produces the following xpath_result.matches:

    "object": {
      "color": "green",
       "name": "B"


The matches result key contains a JSON document listing the matching elements name and its element text. The count result key contains the number of matching elements.

- name: test
    path: test.xml
    xpath: /box/object[@name='B']
    content: 'text'
  register: xpath_result

produces the following xpath_result.matches:

    "object": "circle"

Updating Attribute Values with attribute/value Usage Pattern

Use the xpath to match the element(s), use the attribute element to specify the element whose value must be modified or deleted, and use the value element to provide the new value (desired state) as a string. Use None to remove the attribute. The update is idempotent.

Updating an attribute:

- name: test
    file: test.xml
    xpath: /box/object[@name='B']
    attribute: 'color'
    value: 'fuchsia'

Removing an attribute: TODO, did not work.


Specify the name of the attribute to select, as string, when using parameter value. Do not prepend with '@'.


Configuration element useful when updating or deleting XML content. value represents the desired state of the attribute specified in attribute. It could be either a string, or to unset a value, the Python None keyword (YAML Equivalent, null).

Elements default to no value (but present). Attributes default to an empty string.

Children Manipulation

Children can be added with add_children or updated with set_children:


"xml" or "yaml": the input type for add_children, set_children.


Add additional child element(s) to the element that matched xpath. The elements to be added must be given in a list. Each item may be either a string (example: children=ansible to add an empty <ansible/> child or a hash where the key is an element name and the value is the element value. xpath must be set if add_children is used.

- name: test
    file: test.xml
    xpath: /box
    pretty_print: true
      - object: rectangle
      - object: ellipse

This will modify the file and add the following content:


The output is not "pretty printed", to pretty print, use pretty_print: yes

How to add elements with attributes, and recursive elements?


Set the child element(s) of a selected element for a given xpath. Removes any existing children. Child elements must be specified as in add_children.


Add additional child element(s) before the first selected element for a given xpath. Child elements must be given in a list and each item may be either a string (eg. children=ansible to add an empty <ansible/> child element), or a hash where the key is an element name and the value is the element value. This parameter requires xpath to be set.


Add additional child element(s) after the last selected element for a given xpath. Child elements must be given in a list and each item may be either a string (eg. children=ansible to add an empty <ansible/> child element), or a hash where the key is an element name and the value is the element value. This parameter requires xpath to be set.

Use Cases




Update the Value of an Attribute
