Public Release Procedure for Projects

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Revision as of 15:30, 6 July 2016 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs)
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Run release Locally

The procedure will increment the version string appropriately, run tests, commit to git, tag and push to GitHub.

The procedure will also create the binary to be used as "release binary" at the next step.

At the end of the procedure, the Git tag used to tag the release will be displayed, so it can be used at the next step.


release info

release minor
releasing 2.4, is this OK? [y/n] y
git add ok
git commit ok
git tag ok, tagged with release-2.4
git push ok


A new minor version (2.4) was released, committed to repository and tagged.
If you want to create an official GitHub release, use tag "release-2.4" and the following binary: ./bin/../target/

Make a GitHub Release

Go to GitHub project page -> Releases.

The tag should already by there.

Draft a new release

Tag: release-2.4

The logic should recognize it as "Existing tag"

Release title: 2.4

Describe the release: Introduced features, bug fixes. This will be part of the release history.

Attach binaries by dropping them here or selecting them: ...

Publish release.