Media Wiki Operations

From NovaOrdis Knowledge Base
Revision as of 03:09, 30 December 2023 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs)
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A full last version new instance installation is recommend even in the case of a restoration of an older instance from backup. This is an opportunity to upgrade to the last LTS Media Wiki version.

Media Wiki Installation


This procedure documents restoration of a site instance backed up with the Media Wiki Backup procedure. Restoration implies performing a full new installation of the latest LTS version as a prerequisite, as described here Media Wiki Installation.

Media Wiki Restoration

Back Up

Media Wiki Backup

Get Media Wiki Version

The MediaWiki, PHP, database and extension versions can be read from a working instance from Left hand side tab Tools → Special pages → Version → Installed software.

For 1.35 onward, look up MW_VERSION in includes/Defines.php.

For older versions, look up "$wgVersion" in includes/DefaultSettings.php.

Locate the php.ini File

PHP | Locate the php.ini File

Install on Mac

Increase the Maximum Size for Uploaded Files

Increase the Maximum Size for Uploaded Files

Enable and Configure Image Uploads

Enable and Configure Image Uploads

Configure Site Logo

Visual Editor

Visual Editor



User Operations

Create a User

Special pages -> Login / create account -> Create Account. Or Special:UserLogin/signup.

Get the List of All Users

Special Pages -> Users and rights -> User list. Or Special:ListUsers.



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