DataDog and JMX

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The JMX configuration is located in /etc/dd-agent/conf.d/jmx.yaml.example.

After modification and removal of the ".example" suffix, restart datadog as root:

service datadog-agent restart

JMX integration with JBoss

Server Preparation

JBoss instances have to be configured to allow JMX agent access. Details on how to configure JBoss various JBoss versions running in various modes are available here:

WildFly and JMX

Agent Classpath and Startup Options

Working jmx.yaml configuration:

      - /opt/jdg/bin/client/jboss-cli-client.jar

    - jmx_url: "service:jmx:remote://"
      user: jmx
      password: ***
      java_bin_path: /opt/jdk/bin/java
      name: jdg1
        env: stage
        newTag: test

The specific value for "jmx_url" depends on the JBoss version and the mode it is running in. More details can be found here:

Make sure the JMX user has been configured on target JBoss instances, for symptoms see "JMX User Has not Been Configured on the Target JBoss Instance" section.


Agent Process Signature

ps -ef | grep java | grep datadog

dd-agent 14889 14841  0 Oct15 ? 00:05:47 \
  /opt/jdk/bin/java -Xms50m -Xmx200m \
  -classpath /opt/jdk/lib/tools.jar:/opt/datadog-agent/agent/checks/libs/jmxfetch-0.11.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.datadog.jmxfetch.App \
  --check jmx.yaml --check_period 15000 --conf_directory /etc/dd-agent/conf.d --log_level INFO \
  --log_location /var/log/datadog/jmxfetch.log --reporter statsd:localhost:8125 
  --status_location /opt/datadog-agent/run/jmx_status.yaml collect

Agent Reinitialization

service datadog-agent restart

Metric List

sudo /etc/init.d/datadog-agent jmx list_not_matching_attributes


JMX User Has Not Been Configured on the target JBoss Instance

2016-10-19 15:34:53,433 | ERROR| App | Cannot connect to instance service:jmx:remoting-jmx:// Authentication failed: all available authentication mechanisms failed:
   DIGEST-MD5: Server rejected authentication


2016-10-19 16:20:43,683 | INFO | Connection | Connecting to: service:jmx:remote://
2016-10-19 16:20:43,731 | INFO | xnio | XNIO version 3.3.6.Final-redhat-1
2016-10-19 16:20:43,777 | INFO | nio | XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.3.6.Final-redhat-1
2016-10-19 16:20:43,970 | INFO | remoting | JBoss Remoting version 4.0.18.Final-redhat-1
2016-10-19 16:20:44,663 | INFO | Instance | Connected to JMX Server at service:jmx:remote://
2016-10-19 16:20:44,664 | ERROR| Instance | Unable to compute a common bean scope, querying all beans as a fallback
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
	at org.datadog.jmxfetch.Configuration.getIncludeFiltersByDomain(
	at org.datadog.jmxfetch.Configuration.getGreatestCommonScopes(
	at org.datadog.jmxfetch.Instance.getBeansScopes(
	at org.datadog.jmxfetch.Instance.refreshBeansList(
	at org.datadog.jmxfetch.Instance.init(
	at org.datadog.jmxfetch.App.init(
	at org.datadog.jmxfetch.App.main(