GitHub Procedures
Making a Public Release
This is the procedure to make a "public release" for a GitHub-hosted project. This type of releases are accessible via the GitHub project page -> "releases" tab. The release procedure assumes that the release tag was already applied to the repository, either manually or via nort.
Draft a new release
Copy and paste the release tag from the local release procedure output.
Tag: release-1.0.3
The logic should recognize it as "Existing tag"
Release title: 1.0.3
Describe the release: Introduced features, bug fixes. This will be part of the release history. Projects maintain notes to be consolidated into the release announcement in ./doc/release-notes.txt.
Clean ./doc/release-notes.txt and commit.
cat /dev/null > ./doc/release-notes.txt git add ./doc/release-notes.txt git commit -m "cleaned ./doc/release-notes.txt post-release" git push
If is an installable release, attach binaries: "Attach binaries by dropping them or selecting them."
If it is a library release, select the JAR and the source JAR from the project's target directory and attach them.
Publish release.