HTTP Persistent Connections

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By connection, we understand the TCP/IP connection opened between a HTTP client and a HTTP server. Prior to the introduction of the persistent connections by HTTP/1.1, there was no official specification on how to establish and maintain persistent connections. In most cases, a separate TCP connection was established to fetch each URL. This article assumes HTTP/1.1 and it does not apply to HTTP/1.0.

Measurements of actual HTTP/1.1 connections had shown that persistent connections are preferable, for several reasons: resources (CPU time, memory, and network bandwidth) are saved on routers and hosts by opening and closing fewer TCP connections, network congestion is reduced by eliminating the packets caused by TCP open, latency on subsequent requests is reduced since there is no time spent in TCP's connection opening handshake. This last point is even more important in the case of SSL connections.

Persistent connections may also present disadvantages, for heavily loaded servers by clients that stay idle for a long time. That is why implementing timeout on persistent connections is important. The higher the timeout, more server processes will be kept occupied waiting on connections with the idle clients.

A Persistent Connection is a Point to Point Affair

Client/Origin Server Connection

Connection via a Proxy

A HTTP persistent connection is a TCP/IP connection between the client and server that allows more that one request per connection.

It is the client that initially requests the connection to be kept alive. In HTTP 1.1, a persistent connection is initiated by specifying a "Keep-Alive" value for the "Connection" request header:

GET ... HTTP/1.1
Host: ...
Connection: Keep-Alive

The server may or may not support persistent connections. If the server does support them, it will confirm that by including with the response a "Connection" response header:

200 OK
Content-Length: ...
Connection: Keep-Alive

Once both the client and the server have agreed on using persistent connections, they will keep the underlying TCP/IP connection open, and subsequent requests from that client will be sent over the persistent connection.

Timing Out a Persistent Connection


For details on how to configure HTTP persistent connections with httpd, see:

httpd Persistent Connection Configuration
