Jboss-datagrid Gld Extension

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Revision as of 19:08, 12 January 2017 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs) (→‎cache)
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Configuration Example

Client libraries are loaded from a local JDG 7 installation, if found. If not, the client libraries we ship with will be loaded instead.


  type: cache
  key-size: 10
  value-size: 1024

    name: jboss-datagrid-7
    version: 7.0.0

    # 'classpath' is optional; if specified, it takes precedence 
    # over the libraries we ship with. if 'classpath' is missing, 
    # or the JAR(s) cannot be loaded, we will use the shipped 
    # libraries

    classpath: ${JDG_HOME}/client/hotrod.jar 

    # implementation-specific configuration

    # 'cache' specifies the name of the cache to use. The element
    # is optional. If not specified, the default cache for default
    # cache container will be used. 
    cache: novaordis

      - localhost:11222
      - localhost:11422

    name: read-then-write-on-miss
    reuse-value: true

  threads: 1

Configuration Elements


Required. At least on HotRot endpoint in the format <host>:[port] is required. If port is missing, it is assumed 11222.


'cache' specifies the name of the cache to use. The element is optional. If not specified, the default cache for default cache container of the target server will be used. "default" does not have any special meaning, though it may happen that the default cache of the default container is named "default".