WildFly JNDI Concepts

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JNDI and Remoting


EAP 7 Note Concerning Remoting

Exporting for access by Remote JNDI Clients

If an object registered to JNDI is supposed to be looked up by remote (running in different JVM) JNDI clients, then the object must be registered under the "java:jboss/exported" JNDI context. When it is looked up remotely, the "java:jboss/exported" prefix must be omitted.

For example, a JMS queue registered under "java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/TestQueue" can be looked up remotely as "jms/queue/TestQueue".

This is made possible by a remote naming server that exposes this namespace over remoting. The remote naming server has to be explicitly activated in configuration:

How to Activate the Remoting Naming Server

External JNDI Context

An external JNDI context is a JNDI context exported by a remote JNDI server that is mapped into the local JNDI namespace. External contexts are declared using the <external-context> element in the "naming" subsystem configuration.

Declaring an External JNDI Context

An external JNDI Context exported by a remote JNDI server can be "imported" and exposed as part of the local JNDI namespace. The external JNDI Context has to be explicitly exported by the remote JNDI server, as described in "Exporting for access by Remote JNDI Clients". Once exported by the remote JNDI server, the JNDI Context can be declared an "<external-context>" in the naming subsystem configuration and made accessible as part of the local JNDI namespace. Configuration details are available here:

Importing an External JNDI Context

Remote Programmatic JNDI Access

Remote Programmatic JNDI Access

JNDI Namespaces

JNDI JEE Namespaces


The "java:global" JNDI namespace is the portable way of finding JEE components (EJBs) in the JNDI space of an application server instance, even if the components belong to another applications. For example, the following naming scheme applies to EJBs (for more details on the naming scheme see EJB and JNDI:


Note that "java:global" does not seem to work to look up remote EJBs, meaning EJBs deployed on other application server instances. On JBoss, a name space that seems to work for that is "ejb:". For more details on finding and invoking remote EJBs, see Invoking into Remote EJBs and Session EJB and Servlet on Different JBoss Instances Example.


The "java:app" namespace is used to look up local components (EJBs) packaged within the same application (EAR file containing multiple modules). JNDI addresses using the java:app namespace are of the following form:



The "java:module" namespace is used to look up local components (EJBs) within the same module. "module" in this context refers to JEE module, and not JBoss module. JNDI addresses using the "java:module" namespace are of the following form:





Only components that are registered within the java:jboss/exported/ namespace are remote accessible via the naming service. EJB JNDI names are registered in this scope to be made available remotely.


For an example of why this is essential, see Session EJB and Servlet on Different JBoss Instances Example.



What does this mean? remoting://host1:4447,host2:4547