VMware Fusion Configuration

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Location of the Virtual Machine Bundle

By default location for the VM bundles is ~/Documents/Virtual Machines.

However, each VM bundle can be placed in an arbitrary location during creation, in the "Finish" screen -> Customize Settings -> Save As: -> Browse button.

Recommended location: ~/VMware Fusion VMs.

To figure out where the files of an existing VM are, go to VMware Fusion -> Window -> Virtual Machine Library -> Select the VM -> Right Click -> Show in Finder.


Configure DHCP to Serve a Static Address


1. Get the MAC address for the VM's network interface: Virtual Machine -> Settings -> Network Adapter -> Advanced options -> MAC Address.

2. Edit /Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/vmnet8/dhcpd.conf.

Add at the bottom of the file:

host my-host {
        hardware ethernet 00:0C:29:9C:53:FF;

The address must be (?) from the subnet and the range declared at the top of the file.

Replace "my-host" wither host name.

3. Restart VMware Fusion networking runtime, to re-initialize the DHCP server. As root:

cd /Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library
./vmnet-cli --stop
./vmnet-cli --start