CI/CD Infrastructure Setup

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This article describes the procedure to install a CI/CD pipeline based on Jenkins and auxiliary tools (Nexus, Gogs, SonarQube). It is based on "CI/CD Demo - OpenShift Container Platform 3.6" The Jenkins instance will be a shared instance, deployed within its own dedicated "cicd" project to server any other project that may need CI/CD services.


Create the "cicd" project to host the Jenkins instance and auxiliaries.

oc new-project cicd \
  --display-name="CI/CD" \
  --description="Shared CI/CD tools to provide release pipeline services for other projects"

Provision 2Gi persistent volumes to be used by Jenkins, Nexus, Gogs config, Gogs data, Gogs Postgres, Sonar and Sonar Postrgres.

Verify that the persistent Jenkins template is available.

 oc get template/jenkins-persistent -n openshift


A special special service account ("system:serviceaccount:CICD:jenkins") will be created for Jenkins.

Additional components (Gogs, Sonar, Nexus) will also be deployed.

Create Required Image Streams

Create an Image Stream

Create Projects

Create the following projects:

1. A project for the CI/CD components, named "CICD":

oc new-project CICD --display-name="CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins"

2. A project to host development-stage containers and processes, named "dev":

oc new-project dev --display-name="Test Development Project"

3. A project to host publicly-accessible application produced by the CI/CD pipeline, named "stage":

oc new-project stage --display-name="Test Stage Project"

Grant Required Permissions

Jenkins components need to access the OpenShift API, so the service account that will run the Jenkins pod ("system:serviceaccount:CICD:jenkins") must be given appropriate permissions for the projects it must service:

Do we really need "admin" to "jenkins"?

oc policy add-role-to-user admin system:serviceaccount:CICD:jenkins
oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:CICD:jenkins -n dev
oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:CICD:jenkins -n stage

More details about Jenkins security considerations:

Jenkins Security Considerations

Provision a Persistent Volume

The template requires a persistent volume, which must be provisioned before the installation.

Persistent Volume Operations

Create Jenkins Components

oc project CICD

oc process -f ./cicd-template.yaml --param DEV_PROJECT=dev --param STAGE_PROJECT=stage \
| oc create -f - 

A template example for OpenShift 3.5 is available at A version is also available here:

OpenShift CICD Template Example

Post-Install Adjustments

Adjust Readiness Probe Timeout

 oc set probe dc jenkins --readiness --initial-delay-seconds=500

Adjust Memory

oc project CICD
oc set resources dc/jenkins --limits=memory=1Gi
