Java 8 Lambda Expressions

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Java 8 introduces functional programming features, in the form of lambda expressions. Lambda expressions allow behavior parameterization: functions can be now assigned to variables, as values, and passed around, which essentially means passing code around. Functions come in form of lambdas (anonymous functions) or method references.


An anonymous function.

Statement Lambda


Expression Lambda


Method Reference

The semantics behind the method reference syntax is use this method as a value.

The <Class-Name>::<method-name> syntax creates a method reference, which then can be passed around as a value.

To Process

A lambda expression can be thought of as an anonymous methods. As shown in the "Syntax" section below, a lambda expression looks a lot like a method declaration.

Playground Example

Functional Interface

An interface with only one method is named functional interface

Apparently this is the type of a lambda expression, it describe the function signature.

The Type of a Lambda Expression

Elaborate here.


A lambda expression consists in a comma-separated list of formal parameters, enclosed in parentheses, followed by the arrow token "->" followed by a body, which may be a single expression or a statement block.

(comma_separated_formal_parameter_list) -> body

Formal Parameters

The type of the parameters may be omitted.

If there is a single parameter, the enclosed parentheses may be omitted.


The body may be a single expression, or a statement block.

Referencing a Lambda Expression

Method References


    public ZipHandler getZipHandler() {

        return ZipUtil::getTopLevelDirectoryName;


The variables used in the lambda expressions must be final.