WildFly CLI - Starting and Stopping Instances

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Revision as of 07:43, 24 February 2016 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs)
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There is a shutdown command and a :shutdown operation. The shutdown commands sends the :shutdown operation to the server (in standalone mode) or to the host controller specified by the --host=... argument and waits for the controller to close connection.

By default there's no restart.

The target can be restarted if --restart=true argument is used.

!!!Shutdown of Specific Server Instance

Was not able to figure it out, it might not be possible, according to the documentation, shutdown only works on hosts.

!!!Operation instead of Command




If we want to shutdown a remote host (with all its servers)

{{{ /host=r4:shutdown }}}

!!!Shutdown an Entire Cluster

{{{ /host=h2:shutdown /host=h3:shutdown /host=h4:shutdown /host=h1:shutdown }}}

Leave the domain controller for last.

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