Gradle Archive Tasks
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Zip assembles a ZIP archive. The default is to compress the content of the ZIP.
task dist(type: Zip) {
dependsOn spiJar
from 'src/dist'
into('libs') {
from spiJar.archivePath
from configurations.runtime
Jar assembles a JAR archive.
task srcJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.main.allJava
A task that is used in a publishing process and builds a Java sources JAR. It assumes that the sources from different sub-projects have been collected in root's ./build/api-sources by other tasks.
task apiSources(type: Jar) {
baseName = 'blue-api'
classifier = 'sources'
destinationDir = buildDir
from buildDir.path + "/api-sources"
A parent project task that collects in a JAR all sources from all sub-projects. Replace with something more concise, if I can figure out how.
task allSourcesFromAllSubprojects(type: Jar) {
List<String> fromLocations = new ArrayList<>();
subprojects { fromLocations.add( + "/src/main/java") }
from fromLocations.toArray()