HornetQ Persistence Concepts

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This article provides a high level overview of the HornetQ persistence concepts. It will describe what kind of data is persisted, as well as where and when. It will also discuss paging, which is a protection mechanism against running out of memory.

There is No Database

Unlike other messaging systems, which do offer the option of storing message data in a relational database, HornetQ does not. For reasons that led to this decision see https://developer.jboss.org/thread/153581. More details in "Messaging persistence in EAP 6.x" https://access.redhat.com/solutions/226743.

What Does HornetQ Persist?

Persistent Messages

All persistent messages must be stored on persistent storage, as mandated by the JMS specification. This is necessary to protect against messaging system failure: a persistent message can be presumably recovered from the persistent storage and re-sent.



Large Messages

Non Persistent Messages


When a node is started for the first time it persists a unique identifier into its journal directory. This ID is needed for proper formation of clusters.