JIRA Concepts

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A project is a collection of issues.



A component is a way to group issues within a project. They can be seen as sub-sections of the project. They are used to group project's issues into smaller, more manageable groups.

Components do not have dates assigned to them.

Components can have a component lead who could be a subject matter expert. Once an assignee is set for a component, it will override the project's default assignee for issues that are created within that component.


Work Management


JIRA Glossary - Sprint

A sprint, also known as an iteration, is a short period of time during which the development team implements and delivers a discrete and potentially shippable application increment. The deliverable can be a working milestone version. A typical sprint is two weeks. It's long enough to get something accomplished, but not so long that the team is not getting regular feedback. Sprint-based work organization is fundamentally different than Kanban, where the results are delivered continuously.

In JIRA, sprints can be viewed on a Scrum board. Issues can be assigned to sprints. The sprint is associated with the issue via the issue's sprint field.

Every sprint starts with a planning meeting, where the team commits to deliver a set of stories that are pulled from the top of the backlog.

The progress of a sprint can be monitored: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftwarecloud/monitoring-the-progress-of-a-sprint-764478122.html


Kanban is based on continuous delivery of work. Rather than planning iterations, the flow of work is constantly monitored to endure that there are always tasks being worked on. When the tasks are completed, new tasks are pulled into work-in-progress.

TODO: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftwarecloud/monitoring-work-in-a-kanban-project-764478148.html


A project may have several boards associated with it. Usually, there's a scrum board and a kanban board.

Scrum Board

A Scrum board is a board used to manage sprints. The board must have ranking enabled to use sprints.

Kanban Board


An issue is a unit of work that need to be done. The issue is the building block of any project.

An issue can have sub-tasks that can be assigned and tracked individually.




A story is a software system requirement that is expressed in a few short sentences, ideally using non-technical language. In JIRA Agile, a story is represented as an issue, and individual tasks within the story are represented as #Sub-Task#sub-tasks.


A task is a unit of work contained within a story. In JIRA Agile, individual tasks are represented as sub-task issues, and stories are represented as parent issues.


A bug is a problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.



A sub-task can be created for an issue to either split the issue into smaller chunks, or to allow various aspects of an issue to be assigned to different people.

Once broken down into sub-tasks, an issue cannot be resolved until all its sub-tasks are resolved.

However, if it is becoming obvious that a sub-task is holding up the resolution of an issue, that sub-task can be converted to an issue, which can be worked on independently of the original parent issue. The reverse is also true: if it is becoming obvious that an issue is really just a sub-task of a bigger issue, the issue can be converted into a sub-task of that issue.


Fields Reference


updated, updatedDate


You need to be careful when using 'updated' in queries, as its semantics is actually "last update timestamp". If the issue was updated multiple times, only the last update timestamp is retained and counts in the query.




Designates the sprint the issue is associated with.


Ranking an Issue

Ranking assigns a relative importance or urgency to an issue, compared with other issues.


Time Format

Also see Time Functions.

Absolute Time Format

'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm'
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'

Period Format

2w 2d


The backlog is where sprints are planned.


Filter, named filter, custom filter.


Custom Filters

Filters can be named and saved. To access saved filters: Diamond -> Issues and filters -> View all filters -> Filter by Owner dropdown box.

Examples of custom filters:



Functions Reference

Time Functions

Also see Time Format.




