Kubernetes Strategic Merge Patch

From NovaOrdis Knowledge Base
Revision as of 18:30, 23 August 2019 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs) (→‎Overview)
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A strategic merge patch is a customized version of JSON patch and it looks like an incomplete YAML specification of a k8s resource.

The SMP includes TypeMeta fields to establish the group/version/kind/name of the resource to patch, then just enough remaining fields to step into a nested structure to specify a new field value, e.g. an image tag. By default, an SMP replaces values. This is usually the desired behavior when the target value is a simple string, but may not be desired when the target value is a list. To change this default behavior, add a directive. Recognized directives in YAML patches are:

  • replace (the default)
  • delete
