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Handling Symbolic Links


By default, tar handles archiving symbolic links by writing a block to the archive with the name of the target of the link, thus preserving the symbolic link. However, if the -h|--dereference option is used when creating the archive, tar archives the content of the file the symbolic link points to instead of the symbolic link information.

Handling Hard Links




When tar is executed as root, the file permissions and owner are preserved.


Preserve permissions, default when the root executes the command.


Preserve order (same order). Sort names to extract to match archive.


Compress, produce a tgz.archive.


Source directory.


Archive maintaining the user IDs and file permissions:

tar -cvspf .../archive.tar *

Note that the name of the archive file to be created must immediately follow -f, without any interceding parameters.

To also gzip:

tar cfv - ./mydir | gzip > mydir.tgz

Exclude Specific Files from Archive

tar cf <file-name.tar> --exclude <pattern>  <dir>

Do not process files or directories that match the specified pattern. Note that exclusions take precedence over patterns or filenames specified on the command line.


tar cfv module.tar --exclude */Jenkinsfile --exclude */jenkins module/


Restore preserving the user ID and file permissions (if done as root, the behavior is implicit):

tar -xvspf .../archive.tar

Extract a Specified File

tar -xf archive.tar some/specific/file.txt

gunzip < ... | tar xfv - some/specific/file.txt