Pulumi Operations

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Global Options




pulumi logout


pulumi login [--cloud-url https://something.example.com]

Without argument, logs into the Pulumi-managed backend. Credentials are cached locally and can be viewed with ~/.pulumi/credentials.json.

State can be maintained in different places, as follows:

  • For a "https://" URL, the command line process will access the remote backend via REST.
  • For a "file://" URL, the state is managed locally.
  • For a "s3://" URL, state is maintained in an S3 bucket.
  • For a "gs://" URL, state is maintained in an GCP bucket.
  • For a "azblob://" URL, state is maintained in an Azure blob.

Login Options


A cloud URL to log in to. Then, what does pulumi login https:/... mean and how is different from the same command with an extra --cloud-url?


--local is a shortcut for:

pulumi login file://~


Dumps identity, backend name and URL, Open Directory groups, etc.

pulumi whoami --verbose

This reads ~/.pulumi/credentials.json.

Organization Info

pulumi org ls
pulumi org get <org-name>

Stack Operations

Pulumi Stacks

List Stacks

Display the list associated with the current project.

pulumi stack ls

Show Output Properties

Show a stack's output properties:

pulumi stack output [--show-secrets]

Select a Stack

pulumi stack select

Display Stack Resources

pulumi stack

Display Stack Tags

pulumi stack tag ls

Create Stack

pulumi stack select --create --secrets-provider=passphrase <org-name>/<stack-name>

Switch the Workspace to a Given Stack

Selecting a stack allows you to use commands like config, preview, and update without needing to type the stack name each time. If no stack argument is supplied, you will be prompted to select one interactively.

pulumi stack select --create --secrets-provider=passphrase <org-name>/<stack-name>


  • --create: If selected stack does not exist, create it.
  • --secrets-provider: Use with --create flag, The type of the provider that should be used to encrypt and decrypt secrets. Possible choices: default, passphrase, awskms, azurekeyvault, gcpkms, hashivault, default "passphrase".

Remove (Delete) a Stack

Removes (deletes) a stack. For the difference between deleting and destroying a stack, see:

Destroying vs. Deleting a Stack
pulumi stack rm some_stack

Project Operations

New Project


Create a new project and stack from template. If no template is provided, a list of suggested templates will be presented, so they can be selected interactively.

pulumi new

Full syntax:

pulumi new [template|url] [flags]

An AWS Python project:

pulumi new aws-python

The command must be invoked inside an empty directory. Will it create a sub-directory, or will use the current directory as root? The command creates basic scaffolding based on the cloud and language specified.

If Python is used, pulumi new creates a new virtual environment.

Plugin Operations


pulumi plugin ls

Configuration Operations

List Configuration Values

pulumi config [-s <stack-name>]

Display the configuration value for the current stack. If -s <stack-name> is specified, use that stack instead.

Set a Configuration Value

pulumi config -s some-stack --non-interactive set some_key some_value
pulumi config set --path ... some_value

Dry Run

pulumi preview -s some-stack --non-interactive

Apply Infrastructure

pulumi up


pulumi up -y -s some_stack --non-interactive

Run, expecting no changes. What does that mean?

pulumi up -y -s some_stack --non-interactive --expect-no-changes