Infinispan HotRod Connector Metrics

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Bytes Read and Written

The HotRod connector exposes a cumulative counter for bytes read from the connector and bytes written to the connector. The metrics are exposed as longs.

The counters can be used to calculate the read and write rate, in bytes/second. It is preferable to expose these metrics as a rate per second, as it gives an indication of the load on the node. Some monitoring solutions allow the rate to be calculated automatically (see Data Dog counters).

Reference: JDG 6 JMX, JDG 6 CLI, JDG 7 JMX, JDG 7 CLI.

Worker Thread Count

The number of worker threads this connector was configured with, as integer. The value may be undefined, in which case it means the number of worker threads is the hardcoded default.

Reference: JDG 6 JMX, JDG 6 CLI, JDG 7 JMX, JDG 7 CLI.