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Jackson is a Java library for processing JSON data format. It has support for marshaling and unmarshalling Java to and from JSON. It has a JAX-RS content handler that can automatically convert between Java objects and JSON, and vice-versa. It can generate JSON schemas from a Java object model.

JSON Processing Methods

Jackson offers three alternative methods for processing JSON:

Streaming API

The Streaming API reads and writes JSON as a series of discrete events, in a mode called "incremental parsing/generation". The concepts behind the Streaming API are similar to those of StAX. The Streaming API has the lowest overhead and its the fastest of all methods. The other two methods () are built in top of it.

Tree Model

Data Binding

JSON to Java

JSON to Java

Java to JSON

Java to JSON

TODO and delete: https://home.feodorov.com:9443/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Jackson