VMware Fusion Configuration

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Location of the Virtual Machine Bundle

By default location for the VM bundles is ~/Documents/Virtual Machines.

However, each VM bundle can be placed in an arbitrary location during creation, in the "Finish" screen -> Customize Settings -> Save As: -> Browse button.

Recommended location: ~/VMware Fusion VMs.

To figure out where the files of an existing VM are, go to VMware Fusion -> Window -> Virtual Machine Library -> Select the VM -> Right Click -> Show in Finder.


Configure DHCP to Serve a Static Address


1. Get the MAC address for the VM's network interface: Virtual Machine -> Settings -> Network Adapter -> Advanced options -> MAC Address.

2. Edit /Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/vmnet8/dhcpd.conf.

Add at the bottom of the file:

host my-host {
        hardware ethernet 00:0C:29:9C:53:FF;

Use the actual MAC address as read from the network adapter, and the actual host name.

The address must be (?) from the subnet and the range declared at the top of the file.

3. Restart VMware Fusion networking runtime, to re-initialize the DHCP server. As root:

cd /Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library
./vmnet-cli --stop
./vmnet-cli --start