OperatingSystemMXBean Platform MBean

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The MBean exposes runtime statistics gathered from the underlying O/S. To get an instance, use ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean() or lookup the ObjectName:




double getSystemLoadAverage();

Returns the system load average for the last minute. The system load average is the sum of the number of runnable entities queued to the available processors and the number of runnable entities running on the available processors averaged over a period of time. The way in which the load average is calculated is operating system specific but is typically a damped time-dependent average. If the load average is not available, a negative value is returned. This method is designed to provide a hint about the system load and may be queried frequently. The load average may be unavailable on some platform where it is expensive to implement this method.

java 7 com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean

To get an instance:


Provides access to:

double getSystemCpuLoad();

Returns the load as a double value in the [0.0,1.0] interval, with 0.0 representing no load to 1.0 representing 100% CPU load for the whole system.

double getProcessCpuLoad();

Returns the load as a double value in the [0.0,1.0] interval, with 0.0 representing no load to 1.0 representing 100% CPU load for the current JVM process.

long getProcessCpuTime();
long getCommittedVirtualMemorySize();
long getTotalSwapSpaceSize();
long getFreeSwapSpaceSize();
long getFreePhysicalMemorySize();
long getTotalPhysicalMemorySize();

To Investigate

public interface UnixOperatingSystemMXBean extends com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean {
    long getOpenFileDescriptorCount();
    long getMaxFileDescriptorCount();