RHEL 7 Virtualization Host Installation

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  • RHEL 7.3

Virtualization Host Prerequisites

The host requires minimum 6 GB of free disk space and minimum 2 GB or RAM.

Installed with 50 GB root partition, 4 GB RAM and 4 GB swap.

Virtualization Host Installation

if the virtualization host runs on a Dell server, install the host operating system following the procedure described here. The procedure will also update the Dell firmware and drivers:

Dell Server Installation Procedure

Otherwise, install the host operating system as described here. The only area in which the installation procedure differs is the storage provisioning. When configuring storage, follow the Storage Provisioning instructions, below:

RHEL 7 Installation

Storage Provisioning

Mount Point: /boot capacity 1024 MiB, standard partition xfs file system (/dev/sda3)

Mount Point: / capacity 50 GiB, standard partition xfs file system (/dev/sda5)

Mount Point: /swap capacity 4 GiB (/dev/sda6)

Leave the rest of the space unallocated, will create later the LVM pool.


Virtualization Packages

yum install -y qemu-kvm qemu-img libvirt virt-manager libguestfs-tools libvirt-client virt-install libguestfs-tools-c

Configure Log Rotation

Guest Creation
