Linux Virtualization Cloning a KVM Guest Virtual Machine
Shut Down the Source Virtual Machine
Shut down the guest to be cloned:
virsh shutdown source_vm
Export the Configuration
Export the configuration of the guest to be cloned:
virsh dumpxml source_vm > .../vm-definition-repository/source_vm.xml
Adjust the Configuration
Copy the XML definition under a new name, conventionally the name of the guest being built. Edit the XML as needed. These are some things you may want to change:
Name of the Guest
Update the name of the guest as:
<domain type='kvm'> <name>the_new_name</name> ...
For more details on constraints associated with the guest name, see name.
Remove the <uuid> line, a new UUID will be generated.
Adjust the amount of memory, specified as <memory>. Remove the <currentMemory> line.
Virtual CPU Count
Adjust the number of virtual CPUs allocated to this virtual machine, using <vcpu> element.
Remove the "cdrom" disk(s), if it is not going to be used.
Edit the <disk> definitions and adjust the names for the new storage volumes that will be provisioned for the new virtual machine. The virtual machine will definitely need a virtual machine image, stored in (usually) qcow2 format, end possible other block storage devices in raw format. Conventionally, the virtual machine image is stored in the main storage pool and it is named based on the name of the VM:
<disk type='file' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/> <source file='/main-storage-pool/new-vm-name.qcow2'/> <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/> ... </disk>
<disk type='file' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/> <source file='/main-storage-pool/'new-vm-name-docker.raw'/> <target dev='vdb' bus='virtio'/> ... </disk>
Locate the network interface and replace the value of the mac address with a randomly generated value. A shell script that generate random MAC addresses is available here: bash script that generates a random MAC address.
<interface type='network'> <mac address='52:54:00:79:03:0c'/> <source network='default'/> <model type='virtio'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/> </interface>
See <interface>.
Provision the Storage
For each disk the virtual machine relies on, starting with the virtual machine image storage, clone the disk following the procedure:
If the storage was originally empty, or we want to start with an empty storage, we could provision a new disk, as follows (note that this does not apply to the virtual machine image, we need the content of the virtual machine image to clone the virtual machine):
If a new storage volume is created, and the cloned guest expects a filesystem on it ... ?
Create the Clone
virsh define target_vm
Boot the Clone and Finalize the Configuration
Boot the clone:
virsh start new-virtual-machine
Connect to it with virsh console, or via SSH using the IP address of the template, and finalize the configuration: