WildFly Security Realms

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A security realm is a WildFly-specific identity store of usernames, passwords and group membership information that can be used to authenticate users of the management interfaces, web applications and EJBs.

The security realm contains mappings between users and passwords, and users and roles - a mechanism for adding authentication and authorization to applications and JBoss management facilities and regular applications.

By default WildFly comes pre-configured with two realms:

Both of these use filesystem-based stores for users and group membership, and use a digest mechanism by default when authenticating.

New security realms can be configured. See Adding a New Security Realm.

The existing security realms can be reconfigured to use other authentication mechanisms, different from digest.

Security realms are not involved in any authorization decisions, however they can be configured to load a user's group membership information, which then can be subsequently used to make authorization decisions. The user is authenticated first, then the group membership information is loaded as part of a second step.

The management interfaces and the associates security realms are loaded as core services.

For a better upper level picture of WildFly security, see WildFly Security Concepts.

Relationship between a Security Realm and a Security Domain

Relationship between a Security Realm and a Security Domain

The Digest Mechanism

The digest mechanism used by the WildFly security realms is an authentication mechanism that authenticates the user by computing one-time, one-way hashes comprised of various pieces of information, including information stored in the users/passwords mapping property file. This allows WildFly to authenticate users without sending any passwords in plain text over network.

The user file contains the mapping between the user name and the password hash.

When a user attempts to authenticate, WildFly sends a one-time use number (nonce) to the client. The client generates a one-way has using their username, password, nonce and few other fields, and sends to WildFly instance the username, nonce and one-way hash. WildFly looks up the users's password hash and uses it along with the provided username, nonce and few other fields to generate another one-way hash in the same manner. If the hashes match, the user is authenticated.

Local File-Based Authentication Mechanism

JBoss has a local file-based authentication mechanism, based on the fact that a local client has access to a file created by the server on the local file system. If the client can read the file, then the username/password is not used and the local file-based mechanism serves as the only authentication, and the user is authenticated as "$local". Both the Management Realm and Application Realm allow local file-based authentication, if they are configured with <local> authentication.

Management Realm

The management realm stores authentication and authorization information for the management API. Further authentication mechanism can be configured as part of the <management> element in host.xml or standalone.xml. For more details see Management API Configuration - Management Realm Configuration Files.

Application Realm

The application realm stores authentication and authorization information for the deployed applications (web applications and EJBs). For more details see Management API Configuration - Application Realm Configuration Files.

Adding a New Security Realm

TODO: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/6.3/html-single/Security_Guide/index.html#chap-Security_Realms#Add_a_New_Security_Realm

Adding Users to Security Realms

Adding Users to WildFly Security Realms


  • TODO: define org.jboss.as.domain.management.AuthenticationMechanism: LOCAL, CLIENT_CERT, DIGEST, PLAIN;