WildFly Deployment Concepts

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Migrating from https://home.feodorov.com:9443/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBoss7Deployment


Standalone Mode Deployments

Location of the Deployment Artifacts on the File System

Domain Mode Deployments

Location of the Deployment Artifacts on the File System

Deployment Artifact Repository

The domain-wide deployment artifact repository is located on the controller host, under $JBOSS_HOME/domain/data/content. The content is maintained in a two-level directory structure named based on the content's hash. The names of the first level directories consist of the first two characters of content hashes. A second-level directory name contains the rest of the hash, and the directory contains the content itself, as a file named "content".


<domain ...>
    <deployment name="test-servlet.war" runtime-name="test-servlet.war">
      <content sha1="e85e00cddbae1752cb7eaaa73adb1eed09787d70"/>

  +-- data
       +-- content
              +-- e8
                  +-- 5e00cddbae1752cb7eaaa73adb1eed09787d70
                                   +-- content                    

Also see

WildFly CLI Deployment/Undeployment