WildFly Deployment Concepts

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Migrating from https://home.feodorov.com:9443/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBoss7Deployment


Standalone Mode Deployments

Location of the Deployment Artifacts on the File System

Domain Mode Deployments

Deployment Mechanics

Deployment artifacts are

Location of the Deployment Artifacts on the File System

For the location of the domain-wide artifact repository, see Deployment Artifact Repository section below.

In case of server nodes, copies of the deployment artifacts are pushed by the domain management logic to:


Deployment Artifact Repository

The domain-wide deployment artifact repository is located on the controller host, under $JBOSS_HOME/domain/data/content. The content is maintained in a two-level directory structure named based on the content's hash. The names of the first level directories consist of the first two characters of content hashes. A second-level directory name contains the rest of the hash, and the directory contains the content itself, as a file named "content".


<domain ...>
    <deployment name="test-servlet.war" runtime-name="test-servlet.war">
      <content sha1="e85e00cddbae1752cb7eaaa73adb1eed09787d70"/>

  +-- data
       +-- content
              +-- e8
                  +-- 5e00cddbae1752cb7eaaa73adb1eed09787d70
                                   +-- content                    

Also see

WildFly CLI Deployment/Undeployment

Deployment Scanner

Deployment Scanner