Log4j Format Specification

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log4j calls its output format layout. Most commonly used is the pattern layout.

Pattern Layout


The pattern layout is defined by a conversion pattern string.

Conversion Pattern

A conversion pattern string , where various elements of a log event can be referred and the way they are intended to be displayed in a log file specified. The conversion pattern is closely related to the conversion pattern of the printf function in C. The conversion pattern is composed of:

Literal Text

Literal text may include special characters (\t, \n \r \f). '\\' can be used to insert a backslash in the output.

Conversion Specifier

Each conversion specifier starts with a percent sign ('%') and it is followed by an optional format modifier and a mandatory conversion character:


Format Modifier

A format modifier modifies how the data generated by the pattern layout element

Conversion Character

The conversion character specifies the type of data (category, priority, date, thread name, etc)