OpenShift Route Operations

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Route Information

oc get route 
oc edit route nexus

Expose a Service

Expose a service externally:

oc expose service <service-name> [--hostname=<fully-qualified-external-name>] [--port=<target-port>] [--path=/<target-path>]

If --hostname is not specified, the standard <appname>-<projectname>.<default-routing-subdomain>

Note that if --path is used, the value must begin with "/", otherwise the "oc expose" command will fail.

Specifying Termination Policy

In some cases, services were not publicly exposed because their route did not have a termination policy. To add a termination policy:

oc edit route <route-name>

and then

    insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect
    termination: edge

Unsecure Routes

Unsecure routes do not seem to work, investigate and write down. One idea is that it has to do with the HAProxy configuration that simply does not handle http: