JGroups Protocol GMS

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Suspected Member Exclusion

If a SUSPECT message survives VERIFY_SUSPECT verification, it is passed up the stack and reaches the GMS layer, which computes and multicasts a new view. The new view does not contain the suspect member:

2016-02-29 09:25:24,110 [TRACE] [org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS] (ViewHandler,TEST-CLUSTER,host01/tcp) -- host01/tcp: joiners=[], suspected=[host02/tcp], leaving=[], new view: [host01/tcp|3] (2) [host01/tcp, host03/tcp]
2016-02-29 09:25:24,110 [TRACE] [org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS] (ViewHandler,TEST-CLUSTER,host01/tcp) -- host01/tcp: mcasting view [host01/tcp|3] (2) [host01/tcp, host03/tcp] (2 mbrs)

The log sequence above shows how "host02" is removed from the [host01, host02, host03] view.