Java NIO and TCP Connections
This article describes the programming model involved in establishing a simple TCP connection and interacting with it with non-blocking I/O, from Java. We use Java NIO APIs primitives introduced in Java 4.
Programming Model
The server code uses a Selector to multiplex over selectable channels: selectable channels: a ServerSocketChannel that listens for incoming network connections and creates new SocketChannels for each new TCP connection, and subsequently registered SocketChannels.
// Main selector multiplexor. We use the main thread as selector thread.
Selector selector =;
// The ServerSocketChannel used to accept new TCP connections
ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel =;
InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(PORT);
ServerSocket ss = serverSocketChannel.socket();
// Register the ServerSocketChannel with the selector
serverSocketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
The main event loop handles two types of events: new connections and data availability on the existing connections. Once a new connection is detected, the selector thread retrieves the corresponding SocketChannel and registers it with the same selector. If data becomes available on any of the registered SocketChannels, we use a Buffer to read it.
// The main event loop