AWS Security Operations

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Setting AWS Credentials

Setting AWS Credentials

Create a Key Pair

Amazon AWS instance access key pairs are explained here.

External reference for the procedures to create (or import) a key pair:

This procedure describes how to create the em provisioning key pair:

Go to the EC2 console

Left tab -> Network and Security -> Key Pairs -> Create Key Pair

The key is created and the file containing the private key is automatically downloaded by your browser. The base file name is the name you specified as the name of your key pair, and the file name extension is .pem. Save the private key file in a safe place.

Create a Security Group

Create a Security Group

List the Security Groups

EC2 Console -> Resources -> Security Groups.

IAM Operations

Create an IAM User

Creating an IAM user:

Creating an IAM User in Your AWS Account

Create an IAM Group

Creating an IAM group:

Creating IAM Groups

Create an IAM Role

Creating an IAM role:

Creating IAM Role

Go to IAM Console: -> Create Role

Select type of trusted entity: AWS service

Chose the service that will use this role: Elastic Container Service

Select your use case: Elastic Container Service: Allows ECS to create and manage AWS resources on your behalf.

Next: Permissions

Role name: playground-themyscira

Role description: Allows ECS to create and manage AWS resources on your behalf.

Trusted entities AWS service:

Policies: ?

Permissions boundary: Permissions boundary is not set

Managing IAM Policies

Managing IAM Policies

Create an IAM Policy

IAM Policies.

Creating IAM Policies

Edit an IAM Policy

Editing IAM Policies