AWS CloudFormation Concepts Intrinsic Functions
All intrinsic functions have full function name:
Fn::ImportValue: stack_output_export_name
and a short form:
!ImportValue stack_output_export_name
Note that because of ":" presence in the full function syntax, the full function forms cannot be used as YAML map values, as such:
SomeKey: Fn::ImportValue: something
The template validation will fail with:
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateStack operation: Template format error: YAML not well-formed. (line 15, column 24)
To use the full function form, the value must be placed on a subsequent line, and indented as such:
SomeKey: Fn::ImportValue: something
Ref:, !Ref
The intrinsic function Ref: returns the value of the object it refers to, such as a parameter or resource. When a parameter logical name is specified, it returns the value of the parameter. When a resource logical name is specified, it returns a value that can be typically used to refer to that resource, such as a physical ID.
The full form of the function is:
Ref: reference
Note that Ref is the only intrinsic function that does not have a Fn::Name: as full form.
The short form of the function is:
!Ref reference
Note that no "${...}" should be used around the reference, the parser will actually detect that as syntax error.
!Ref AWS::StackName !Ref MyParameter !Ref MyResourceName
Fn::Sub:, !Sub
The intrinsic function Fn::Sub: substitutes variables in an input string with specified values.
The full form of the function is:
Fn::Sub: ${reference1} is a ${reference2}
The short form of the function is:
!Sub ${reference1} is a ${reference2}
If only template parameters, resource logical IDs and resource attributes are substituted in the String parameter, no variable map is required:
!Sub '${TemplateParameterA} is a ${TemplateParameterB}' !Sub '${AWS::Region}-something'
Fn::Sub: can be used as a replacement for Fn::GetAtt:, as it seems to extract the attributes of a resource and place them in a string just fine. This is an example of how to obtain the ARN of a resource created in the same template:
Using Sub to Configure the ARN of a Resource Created by the Template
# this resource has an ARN
# this resource needs the ARN
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
DestinationArn: !Sub '${AccessLogGroup.Arn}'
An intrinsic function that returns arbitrary attributes of a resource (Ref returns just important value associated with the resource). The function takes two parameters: the logical name of the resource and the attribute to be retrieved, as an array.
Using GetAtt to Configure the ARN of a Resource Created by the Template
# this resource has an ARN
# this resource needs the ARN
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
DestinationArn: !GetAtt AccessLogGroup.Arn
The Fn::Join function takes two parameters, a delimiter that separates the values you want to concatenate and an array of values in the order that you want them to appear.
!Join [ delimiter, [ comma-delimited list of values ] ]
!Join ['-', [ a, b, c ]]
!Join ['-', !Split ['/', !Sub '${something}-something-else']]
returns "a:b:c"
!Split ['.', ""]
!Split ['/', !Sub '${something}-something-else']
returns ["www", "example", "com"].
The Fn::ImportValue returns the value of an output exported by another stack. The function is used to create cross-stack references.
Can be used as a key in a YAML structure:
... ServiceRole: Fn::ImportValue: ...
or a value:
... EnvironmentVariables: - Name: TARGET_BUCKET Value: Fn::ImportValue: !Sub '${AWS::Region}-BuildBucket'
!FindInMap [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]