Kubernetes Secrets Operations

From NovaOrdis Knowledge Base
Revision as of 21:44, 23 August 2019 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs) (→‎From File)
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Inspecting Secrets

kubectl get secrets
kubectl get secret mysecret -o yaml

The value of the secret is base64-encoded and it can be retrieved with:

echo '....' | base64 --decode
kubectl describe secret secret-name

Create a Secret

With kubectl CLI

Creating a Secret Using kubectl create secret

From File

Declare the secret content in one (or more) file(s) on the local filesystem. The file names will become the secret's data map keys. When the secret is exposed to a pod, the content will be available as volume files with the same name.

echo -n "test-user" > ./username.txt
echo -p "test-password" > ./password.txt
kubectl create secret generic username-and-password --from-file=./username.txt --from-file=./password.txt

This will create the following secret:

Name:         username-and-password
Namespace:    test
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>

Type:  Opaque

password.txt:  17 bytes
username.txt:  9 bytes

From Literal

Special Character Handling

Special characters such as '$', '*' and '!' require escaping (\).

From a Manifest

Creating a Secret Manually


Creating Secrets with a Generator

Creating a Secret from Generator